Sunday, April 27, 2008

Tequila, Aspirin, & Princess Diana

I'm trying to crank this true story stuff out (which is all true and accurate, and which is the most stressful stuff to write about) and have just had a shot of tequila and 2 aspirin, so bear with me. One shot, by the way, will not impair my ability to recall the events--it will relax me enough, hopefully, to continue.

I am dedicating the rest of what I write, about what happened, to survivors of clergy abuse, all of them--whether they were children or adults when it occured, and of every kind of abuse including emotional, physical, sexual, political, verbal, and any other form of abuse.

And, I always have my son in mind, because what has happened with his abduction from ME, never could have occured without the help and damages of what was done by those within the RCC.

I love you O.

I also, for some reason, crazy as it sounds, want to dedicate this to Princess Diana, and any other woman who has been defamed as "the seductress" or "mentally unbalanced" in an effort to discredit damages or a situation which occured that some don't want others to believe. It seems our worst fault and crime, usually, is to assert ourselves and our voices, and resist being quieted and controlled.

One shot of tequila once or twice a week, does not an addict make, by the way.

I've also thought, if anyone ever plotted Diana's demise, why is it never suggested the RCC could have had an interest? I've heard all kinds of theories about Charles, the royal family, MI5/6, and Israeli's, but nothing about the RCC, and interestingly, Diana was involved with the RCC to some degree, and her own mother converted to Catholicism just before she (the mother) died. If it was MI5/6 Diana was worried about, could there have been a religious motive with certain members in this group? The accident happened in Paris, France too, which is interesting I think. If Diana had married Dodi, her involvement and worldwide popularity would have brought a lot of attention (possibly support) to the Muslim countries and her sons could have been influenced as well, and they could have had half-siblings.

I also think Diana was in love, but she may have been looking out for her sons in her selection of a partner, who had enough resources and an ability to protect her and her sons and provide financial assistance for fighting for their interests. I don't know all the details, but as a mother, knowing the heart and mind of a mother who is not always safe or feels intuitively that something isn't quite "right", this at least crossed her mind. No one questions the Catholic church anymore, about anything, it seems, especially as regards their own intelligence groups and militias, unless the location is specifically Ireland. The RCC and its radicals are not confined to Ireland.

I'm just throwing it out there, and I know nothing of the situation there at all. I just know what has happened to me and my son, and I never would have thought it possible in the United States.

Diana was not paranoid, I don't think. She reacted out of an intuition and a subconscious collection of information which put her on guard. We INFPs (and ENTPs) are in tune with reality, probably moreso than other types.

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