Sunday, April 27, 2008

TTSOML #36: Correction to Timeline

I have to correct a time reference I made in when I told Fr. Joachim about Br. Ansgar. I met the monks in September or so of 1999 or 2000 (whenever The Fire Rally was held at the Oregon Convention Center) and then in about April or so of the following year, I first had my car vandalized and noticed surveillance. I met with the Abbot Zodrow about Br. Ansgar after the child sex abuse scandals broke (which I didn't know about until months later), in the summer of 2001, months after the visit with Br. Ansgar to see the "fall foliage". I met Br. Ansgar in the fall of one year, and then a year later, the next fall, is when he took me on the walk to see the "chapel in the woods". After this fall, I continued correspondence with the monks through the winter and spring, but the vandalisms to my car got worse and other things started happening as well.

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