Monday, April 28, 2008

TTSOML #40: Map of Mt. Angel & Birth Control of Justice

I wish I could post a map of the town of Mt. Angel and the Abbey and how they are connected. It would give a better picture of how far apart they are, where I was when I decided to "protest", and the location of the dirt road on the Abbey property that Br. Ansgar was leading me down. I may try to find a map somewhere online and link to it and then explain the positions. It matters, because the entirety of the Willamette Week article is a huge extended and fabricated lie, and they KNEW, because I drew out a map for them, and faxed them letters from Br. Ansgar and a bunch of other things, including corrections, because I heard ahead of time that they wanted to smear me (and did). I didn't do more than half of the things they claimed I did, and they distorted everything, including the timeline, and omitted evidence which showed I was the one to "break things off" with Ansgar, not the other way around. I didn't protest on Abbey property either, contrary to the article. Once I eventually get the time that the Willamette Week wrote their article about me, I will post the entire article and then go through the whole thing, pointing out which parts were false, which they and their editors refused to correct, believing (rightly) I was too poor to ever sue them them for defamation. I found out that only the rich have an avenue for defending their civil rights, because no public defender is appointed for this. I also found out, the right to jury trial is practically non-existant anymore, with the easy-abortion of justice made simple through "summary judgment", which is a procedure that originally was to be used on rare occasions, not as an automatic form of justice-and-damages-birth-control. More on THAT later.

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