Tuesday, April 29, 2008

TTSOML #46: Schitzophrenia Claim & Reaction To Citation

The gentleman who told me I was "schitzophrenic" and that I needed help, came over to where I was protesting all the time, to try to extract information from me. I told him, "How is it that you think you know this? I don't hear things, or see things, and have never told anyone I have, and I'm not paranoid." This guy claimed he knew I was, because, he said, the Abbey told him I had been trying to "seduce" a monk and was delusional thinking he'd leave for me. He also said I was paranoid about Br. Ansgar's intentions, when Br. Ansgar had never touched me sexually. He said he thought I was paranoid about where Ansgar was taking me, and that I must have imagined there was something wrong when there wasn't.

At that time, I hadn't posted copies of some of the letters Br. Ansgar had written to me, in his own hand, which confirmed my story, and I didn't have evidence to confirm what was even out there in "the woods", if anything. But I knew what I knew, and I was not paranoid.

I let him know if he continued to say these things, he and the Abbey would be liable for defamation to the public in the town, and not just the slander of my "good name" to the police. I found out officials from the Abbey were telling members of their church and people from town, that I was paranoid schitzophrenic and nothing I said was true and that I just wanted revenge for being rejected by a monk. At that point, they didn't know I had the letters from Br. Ansgar, and emails from the monks as well, including the one where Fr. Joachim threatens me about my "good name".

I didn't have to show them all of my cards. But I told him, he didn't know and they didn't know what I had, and if they continued to defame me, I would take legal action.

In the meantime, after being cited for "harassment" which was bogus, and seeing with my own eyes and hearing with my own ears how the police were taking all of their instructions from the clergy at Mt. Angel Abbey (and their lawyers of course, though I didn't think about this at the time), I decided to find a lawyer. It was illegal for them to do what they were doing, and they were violating separation of church and state and using the state to defend and support their church.

Hmmm. Interesting how the motives are still the same, even now, even today in Wenatchee and Waterville.

In the meantime, after being cited for "harassment" while protesting, this gave me every incentive to continue to protest. I had another panic attack after I was given the citation by the Catholic Mt. Angel officer, but I pushed mind over matter, my mind over my physical response, and I triumphed, and got right back on that horse and continued to protest. They had now earned at least 2 more months of protest by me, and, gauging by their reaction already, they were not going to like it very much.

I tried to go to the Mt. Angel police and reported the officer who had cited me while I was protesting, took orders from Mt. Angel Abbey, and who had said "You offend my church!" but I got nowhere. I went up the whole chain of command, eventually going to the state level, and they purposefully ignored me and did NOTHING. But I filled out a complaint form, and it should be on file. The Mt. Angel Abbey was using police and law enforcement for their own civil gain, which is grounds for a Section 1983 claim, which is when the state or government uses or abuses their position, under "color of law" to deprive someone of their civil liberties or for political reasons. After Mt. Angel police did nothing, I decided THEN, to find an attorney. I didn't find one until after I let the Abbey know I had discovered their little secret about the "chapel in the woods".

At first, I couldn't prove anything about a "little chapel in the woods". The Abbey was telling me I imagined everything and told others I was crazy. Of all the mental illnesses, the best one for discrediting somebody is "paranoid schitzophrenia".

If there was nothing, it could be made to sound like I had just made the whole thing up. But I was soon to meet a woman in Mt. Angel who would reveal to me what was really out there, and I also must make mention of another mysterious woman who was elderly, with snow-white hair, who took me aside one day to give me a message.

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