Tuesday, April 29, 2008

TTSOML #48: "Banned From The Abbey" & Message for Dept. of Justice

Yes, I was banned from the Abbey. It wasn't because I was doing anything wrong. I was very rarely ever there at that point. I never protested on their property, or put signs up on their property, and I was never cited for "harassment" because of anything to do with being there or around anyone. The "harassment" thing came about because of the attempt to intimidate me during my protest, and they tried to use an old "fax" for this, and I did not create a public nuisance at any time.

I discovered the shack in the woods, plain and simple, after being dragged through the mud. My "good name" having been dragged through the mud. They were already trying to make me out to be not just mentally ill, but a criminal besides. They wanted to dirty anything and everything about my good name.

And then I realized, while the Abbot was lying to me, telling me it was my story against Ansgar's and his word against mine, I realized they KNEW something was wrong because I had told them where Ansgar was trying to take me, and they KNEW what was out there, and that I DIDN'T know. Knowing then, that I was not paranoid, and that I was the innocent party, they had gone to police. Police that I found out, were mainly Catholic and who were on paid agreement and contract to work for the Mt. Angel Abbey.

So they "banned" me from the Abbey after I wrote to them letting them know I had found out about the "shack in the woods", but not before one of the priests assaulted me in a church service on their property. After one of the priests did this, they banned "me" as if I were the one doing something wrong.

I also found out Mt. Angel Abbey was not simply a monastery within the public town of Mt. Angel. I found out Mt. Angel Abbey was actually it's OWN TOWN, called "St. Benedict" and that they not only had their own post office, but their own well, electricity, and everything else they needed to make their own rules and live by their own laws. They had an intergovernmental contract between their religious community and the "state" or Mt. Angel police, for law enforcement services.

I discovered one crazy thing after the other. Including what Fr. Joachim did with some expensive property, before he took off, and a number of other things. I had former P.I.s for the Abbey telling me things as well. And THEN I got involved with lawyers and lawsuits, and learned a whole lot more than anyone wanted me to know, which could have affected the entire Archdiocese bankruptcy process in Oregon.

I have so much to share, and have to get it out, because someone within the Department of Justice, needs to hear the facts and realize that in my case, this HAS been a case of Section 1983, and that there is serious corruption and cover up and that it necessarily involved a "church" whether the FBI likes that connection or not. There's been a connection,

Deal with it.

I say that to FBI Supervisor Julia Thornton who first took my complaint against the FBI guys and tried to say the FBI didn't involve themselves in "church matters" (whom, I believe, subsequently received a promotion). She tried to put the whole thing with the RCC under the rug and claim it was "misconduct", internal "abuse of position" at best. But that's not the whole truth, and the fact that no one has been listening to me all these years, put my and my son's life at risk, and has permanently affected my son.

I asked for help a long time ago.

It's a little late now, to undo what's already been done, but it's not too late for justice and accountability with those who have directly been involved in harming me and my son.

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