Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Wenatchee Public Defender Problem

I'm a little slower this morning and realized I haven't taken any OTCs.

My public defender is doing nothing for me, not even contacting me about emergency petitions I want to make for my son's rights, change of venue, or to contact my doctor, or help me with visitation rights. I feel I'm forced to be pro se, when I've already requested assistance.

I know the system is overburdened, but this is unacceptable. If Chelan-Douglas can't manage to find enough lawyers, pay enough, or reduce the workloads, they need to stop arresting people and taking their kids until these people can be assured at least a REASONABLE defense.

I think Wenatchee needs to be incorporated into King county. I don't think they can monitor themselves, and being their own island has given them too much small-town power. Seattle needs to take over.

In the meantime, I'm having to miss visitation with my son this week because I don't have a PD making a motion for my right to accomodation of disability (physical) and change of venue and I cannot take that trip and have already given everyone a doctor's note about it.

I hear people are sometimes released from jail for "overcrowding". In this situation, no one should be arrested or have their kids taken to begin with. No one is getting adequate defense and therefore, everyone is just being railroaded right into whatever the Wenatchee prosecutors want.

It's sick.

People over here end up with criminal records they shouldn't have to begin with, and then it's all downhill. And they have their kids taken for political reasons and lack of grounds, and no one questions it. None of this stuff would fly in King County or anywhere else.

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