Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Wenatchee Swingers

Wenatchee has a large, serious group of swingers. I guess they meet sometimes on the riverbanks of Wenatchee under some huge military style tent. Boats pull up and people go in. There's some evidence by way of photos.

I guess people of every occupation go there. Janitors, lawyers, teachers, higher end officials...

I just thought it was interesting. I found out about a few who go there and I couldn't help but get this huge grin on my face. "No WAYYyy!" I said. I am looking at everyone in Wenatchee with a whole new perspective.

Here I was, thinking the Clearwater was the big hang-out.

I wouldn't write about this, but someone I know is a ringleader I guess, and it's just interesting.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting... I wonder where the tent is set up... would be interesting to see what goes on.
