Saturday, May 10, 2008

Bloodline Crown

I am so interested in this documentary! I'm trying to find reviews about it already but there's only been a slim one by the NY Times. It was shown in theaters today and basically, for those unfamiliar, it's about this archeologist who studied the remains of a Knights Templar tomb which was found recently. He says it contains the mummified body of Mary Magdalene, whom he believes was married to Jesus, and he believes they had a child together.

If that's true, and someone has remnants of her hair, can someone PLEASE check MY hair DNA against hers? Because, um, I've been just a little bit persecuted...

They say Mary M. had red hair. Red hair is only possible if the recessive gene is carried by both the mother and the father, and it's extremely rare (natural red hair, that is). I say we test all the redheads. Maybe even Prince Harry is from the line of Christ...

I'll gladly give a hair from my head! ;)

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