Saturday, May 3, 2008

CPS/State Motive In My Case: Section 1983 Claim and Violation of ADA

I am watching other people's kids again, which I've done most of my life for higher paying childcare/nanny employment. I've always been good with kids, which is ironic, now that the state claims I cannot care for my own son.

They do not have one SHRED of evidence that I neglected to care for my son at any time, or that I wasn't a good mother. There is no claim of physical or emotional "abuse", and zero evidence of even "neglect" and their entire claim was based on suspicion that I might "in the future" harm my son. The only thing they claimed to even "find" before taking my son from me, was a "messy house" which they did not even GO into. My grandfather invited them in and they said no. So, standing outside on the porch, they claimed my entire house was messy, and that it didn't smell good. They were never even IN my house, and if something didn't "smell good" it was probably because I had the trash sitting outside where they were standing, where it belonged.

They took my son from me because of claims of a "messy house" that they didn't even GO INSIDE and because, they claimed, they thought I was "mentally ill" when they had zero evidence I was mentally ill besides, and had already had not ONE, but TWO mental health professionals evaluate me and say there was no mental illness.

They put a protective order on my son not BEFORE I left for Canada, but AFTER we were in Canada, and then defamed me to Canada to get them to return my son and have me jailed (for bogus immigration claims).

After all this, they still keep my son from me, and refuse my son the medical diagnostics he needs, and discriminate against me, STILL, for PHYSICAL injuries I sustained at childbirth in Wenatchee, and for migraines they wouldn't accept as migraines.

I had my son in mommy-and-me swim lessons twice a week, a mommy-and-me preschool co-op, and I regularly took him to the library, where I have more than one librarian who would vouch for my attention to my son, and how much reading he received from me, and playtime. I also took him to play structures at McDonalds and the park, and we were in public more often than not. The only people complaining to CPS about me were medical professionals who didn't want to be sued or complained about by me.

The state had its own motivations for trying to get something on me as well, and to try to make something up. I had already filed two Fair Hearings complaints against state employees for discrimination and was in the process of filing a third. The AG had already had to DEFEND the state, or "department" against my allegations, and had lost. They attempted to even kick me and my son off of benefits altogether, and the Fair Hearings judge decided I had been discriminated agasint. So they lost, and then they went after my son.

CPS and social services are tied into the same small building in Wenatchee. My former social worker moved over to CPS after I filed the first Fair Hearing claim about discrimination, which included HER in my complaint.

The state/department abducted my son, under color of law, in conjunction with Wenatchee medical professionals who wanted to make me look bad and distract and harm me before I could sue them for medical malpractice and HIPPA violations.

I found out most of the people in charge, in Spokane, were not just members of the Catholic church, but had husbands in 4th order of Knights of Columbus, and that the doctors in Wenatchee who were running me into the ground the most, and from the start, were also Catholic and worked at Central Washington Hospital, which was formerly a private Catholic hospital and merged with a Methodist hospital, and still has 4 priests on a board for advisory.

I think a Section 1983 claim should be filed for what has happened to me and my son and damages by the state, and state employees who were and still are covering for themselves and want to retaliate. They would LOVE to get a mental "illness" diagnosis on me, to discredit me. So far, they've been out of luck. So they took my son.

I also think the ADA should file charges and a suit for flagrant discrimination and violation of the ADA, for refusing accomodations for both me AND my son, for our physical disabilities.

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