Saturday, May 10, 2008

Geneology of Cameo Garrett

I want to get a professional geneologist to look some things up, but I don't see why putting this online is going to hurt. Fr. Joachim even asked me for a lock of my hair, or suggested I give one to Ansgar, I can't remember which, and I'm about 90% sure about this but not 100%. I just remember thinking it was odd and WHY did they want my hair? I never gave them my hair.

Anyway, I already told the monks from Mt. Angel Abbey what my lineage was, or what I knew, and I told that friend too. My family has more surnames than I can recall, but...

My Mother:
Dicksie Dael Baird

Mother's Mother:
Beverly Constance Breigenzer (luxembourg)

Mother's Mother's Mother:
______ Wooten (English)
Mother's Mother's Father:
Henry Michael Breigenzer (luxembourg--refused to be called "german" & spoke Luxembourgish as first language in home, also had some French if I remember correctly. Has a pin or medal of some kind pinned to his lapel in a photo but no one can make out what it is. It almost looks like a military pin or for some organization)

Mother's Father:
Roland Baird (scottish)

Mother's Father's Father:
? Baird (have it, just don't remember)

My Father:
Robert Guy Garrett II

My Father's Mother:
Dolores Marie Davis (english and welsh?)

(some of her family is Davis and the rest are Suttons (english))

My Father's Father:
Robert Guy Garrett I (english & french)

My Father's Father's Mother:
(my "Nana") Ruth ____________ (have it but can't remember)

My Father's Father's Father:
Lebius Guy Garrett (english & french. Nana told me that for years she'd
thought the Garrett's were Irish and English but she found out late that they
were mainly French and English. I remember telling Fr. Joachim we were Irish
because I was told the Garrett's came over during the Potato famine but later,
I was told the other thing, and so I don't know it this still true.)

The guy who was Jewish had the surname "Prince". It's online
somewhere, as my aunt did part of the Garrett genealogy.

1 comment:

  1. Cameo, I am your Grandma Garrett's nephew so we are Cousins. Simon Prince and ALL the Prince's were Not Jewish. They were in fact English.

    I am Thomas James Davis the son of David who is your Grandma Gattett's sister.

    Love you
