Friday, May 30, 2008

My Sugardaddies Want Me To Be Their Pen Pal, Not Their Mistress (go figure)

I'm surrounded by good books, movies, and CDs and what have I been listening to all day and yesterday? Bob Dylan.

Some of my favorites aren't here, but I'm repeating "Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall", "I Shall Be Released", and right now it's "Don't Think Twice, It's Alright".

I'm starting to think, the wheels are beginning to turn, how could I earn money by writing to sugardaddy's? Now that would be a fun convince them to part with their money simply in exchange for a correspondence with me! One was bidding me farewell, until I wrote a funny reply and suddenly, he says he'd like to correspond, for the fun of it. And, I'm not writing anything romantic or sexual, and I'm sending over sexy pics either. I think I'm becoming a regular Isabella Allende or Eva Luna, rather. I will tell you a story...

I guess I'll copy what I wrote here. There are some SDs whom I absolutely know I must keep private and under wraps, because it wouldn't be good for them if people found out as they're in positions, well, anyway. And I don't write about people I work with or live with, generally, even if I'm dying to do so.

But I THINK I can safely copy one of my exchanges with a SD here. I'll cut out some parts too..Oh darn. I just rechecked my reply, and there's far too much information for me to share online. So I'll just paste his response (edited) and the very beginning intro to the email I sent him which made him decide he wants to be my pen pal...

Hi, !

You are a real kick - I so much enjoyed your email, that you took the time to write me. It was so very sweet of you. (Now tell me again why you aren't married or don't have a guy who's nuts about you?)

If it's ok with you, I wouldn't mind corresponding (don't know what it might lead to, but I think I'd enjoy the ride). I'm off with (deleted) for (deleted) and then (deleted), so I may be a poor correspondent for the next week or so, but I promise to write when I get back.

Meanwhile - good luck meeting up with those guys, and you just might meet Mr. Right!

Take care,


On Wed, May 28, 2008 at 7:29 PM, .com> wrote:

"Goodbye and I wish you luck"
"Goodbye, thank you, and I wish YOU luck"
"Goodbye and I wish you luck and think you're wonderful for wishing me good luck"
"Well NOW! Goodbye to you, you wonderful person and I wish you the bestest of good luck, you lucky duck"

(deleted name),

I'm not sure why I'm writing again. ?! But it was such a nice farewell letter! I appreciate your good advice. (and then 2 long paragraphs are deleted, which he found to be such "a kick").

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