Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Piggy Ditty: Ove-Lay I-Ay Piggy Purdy Day

Little piggy, little piggy, come on out to play,
Pushing little piggy, with your nose at what you may,
Piggy little piggy panky perky punky pay,
Ove-lay, I-ay piggy purdy day.

In the morning, little piggy, eat your corn and not the hay,
hay is for the horsies and they need the grass to neigh,
You my little piggy eat tortillas para maize,
Ove-lay, I-ay piggy purdy day

When you're sad my little piggy and you want Mama to play,
don't you worry little piggy if you're standing in the rain,
rain will turn the dirt to mud and mud is not in vain,
Ove-lay, I-ay piggy purdy day

If you're sleepy little piggy, angels lay their claim,
and the lions and the baby sheep, they all know your name,
I know you're kind to animals, even ones that bray,
Ove-lay, I-ay piggy purdy day,

(original...didn'tcha know! piggy ditty for my son, written after swilling half a Tilt...to be continued)

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