Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Public Defender Fired For Negligence

I fired my public defender tonight, after finding out there was a hearing today which he didn't even notify me about. He told me about the hearing on the 21st, but not the one for today. He has also not communicated with me, or done even the bare minimum in trying to keep in contact with me or assist with getting practical things done.

I have more than enough records to prove my case and ask for continuance based on what is obviously his lack of interest in my case or a caseload that greatly exceeds what any PD should have.

I also asked for assistance from public funds, for very basic things, and my request was refused. I've been having to pay for travel expenses for legal things out of my own pocket, and for doctor's appointments for this legal matter, out of pocket, and made to do all of the running around and contacting of others.

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