Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Sugardaddy Team

My sugardaddies have been taking me away from my blog. Well, my potential SDs. I'm not going to write anything which would identify any of them, in any way, because I respect all of them, and their privacy. However, I have to write SOMETHING about this!

I feel like I'm a movie. I've trying this new thing I thought I'd never try. And it runs counter to everything I've practiced and believed my entire life ("money? RUUuuuuuuuuuuun!"). I have expensive taste, but it's possible for me to be happy with or without material things. The only thing that has motivated me, or provided any incentive to walk towards money, is the situation with my son. I even had a sick feeling to my stomach and sometimes still do, because it's so odd for me. However, I have figured out where some of the lines are, for me, and distinguished how it's different from being an escort. I already turned down a couple of offers to be flown across the U.S. to meet men who wanted to spend time getting to know eachother. They were going to compensate me, and compensate me well. But I had to ask what "getting to know eachother" meant and I realized it wasn't just feeling out the chemistry and kissing. They were honest with me, at least (I deleted most of the really fishy ones), and I realized these guys were ready to get it on the minute I was dropped off at the airport. I had this picture of me, being dragged into the nearest restroom, into the stall...

There is a serious demand out there. From a sociological perspective, this entire thing is fascinating. What makes it weird is that I'm serious about, and determined. When I waver, I only have to think about my son, or talk to him on the phone.

I've heard some great stories. Some of the guys, if you just ask, will tell you what their experiences have been. Really funny stuff. I was laughing all night, talking to this one guy, who has had the WORST luck. He is actually someone I'm going to talk to over the phone and meet with. He's a self-described "nerd" and sort of looks nerdy, but when I saw his photo I thought there was something sweet about him too. And he's normal. He's, I think, a rich nerd who doesn't have time to date. I'm a nerd too, at heart.

The other SD I really like is almost 60, but he has such a young and dynamic personality. I'm really attracted to his style. He's somewhat brash and direct, and born East Coast, and funny, but also incredibly, I don't know...smart. He and I have a lot in common with our backgrounds and political perspectives, and I felt he didn't look down on me because of my situation and current job. I guess he could tell there was more to me. He's seriously rich. I mean, I checked out his company website, and there's no doubt, and he's willing to be generous. The best part is that, so far, I really like him and would be happy getting to know him and about his business (which I find fascinating) even if I'm not his sugarbaby.

Then there was another one, who was from Canada, who I thought was very intriguing but there were some red flags too. I was strongly attracted and also somewhat "concerned"? about what he was about. I don't want to write too much about it, but I think I did a pretty good of feeling it out and not being intimidated or afraid to explore something I wasn't familiar with, and to do a little research on some things. I still don't know what to think.

If I could know for sure they're all decent and safe, I'd say, well, I told this one last night: "Can I have all 3 of you?" and he said, "You may". Problem is, I only want one, exclusively and I'm monogomous. But they're all really different. I'll have to make some decisions.

I have a whole support team rooting for me. I got some good advice from a woman, and then last night I asked for tips and advice from a couple of regular joes. Just guys I know from my neighborhood, or their friends. It was so fun, they were helping me with pros and cons. It was a regular Town Hall meeting, or a strategy conference and I needed a table and projector. That's the part that felt surreal. I have people suddenly offering to give me a ride to take me shopping so I have something better to wear for a date, and men giving me advice on what "not" to do. One was telling me not to smell bad. hahaaaa. He said this very seriously, leaning forward to tell me the reason HE divorced his wife. As he began to explain, this other guy blushed and said, "Agggh!" and went outside with his beer, to return and tell me how to get a "retainer" before doing anything. The entire discussion was animated, with concerns and hard-hitting questions, and then encouragement too. It was a maudlin meeting of minds. Some of the "advice" I was getting was hilarious, but it's all fun. Other advice involved knowing how to negotiate and that details are worked out.

It has taken me only 2 weeks to find some serious potential Sugardaddies. I put myself as "negotiable" with one place and "$10,000-$20,000/mo." at another. I know it's higher-range, but I'm worth it. I'm more than a pretty face and I have a good heart. Basically, I look terrible right now, but the foundation is good. I'm just a fixer-upper, and an excellent investment.

I told my "team" that if I end up with a sugardaddy I will find a way to express my appreciation after I'm rich (or, richer). I don't know how, something.

Don't forget the people who help you to get to where you are, right? For some reason, I think of the people who have been advising and encouraging me, in their plain clothes, and sweats and jeans, and I keep thinking of that scene in Cinderella where all the mice are trying to sew a dress together to replace her rags. Of course, then it gets shredded by the wicked step-mother and sisters. Then the fairy godmother steps in. The mice are always there though. And I'm not really looking for a prince, or to get married. I can't be a gold-digger for marriage, that would feel wrong, and marriage is serious. I am okay with being a gold-digger in an arrangement.

I guess sometimes Rapunzel climbs out from the tower by scaling down her own hair. How do I justify this? other than the end justifies the means? Rapunzel, rapunzel, let down your hair. Okay, if I let my hair down, and I must rely on someone else to "rescue" me initially, then maybe we'll switch it around a little? I'll go on to then fight the dragon single-handedly, after obtaining the proper weapons and tools? I guess I'll have to go to law school, if my sugardaddy can afford to send me, after paying for my allowance.

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