Thursday, May 8, 2008

TTSOML #54: I Discover Citations Against Me Never Filed

After meeting Dan Gatti, I called the DA's office for the county where the citations against me should have been filed. When I called them, they said no citations were ever filed against me. I said I had received tickets, and they said if I had received any tickets, the police would file them with their office. But they hadn't, and it had been at least a month or more. The DAs office said this was very odd and highly unusual.

I had told police I had photos of the flyers the Catholic church had put on cars all over town. Also, on the night I took the photos, I had locked myself out of my car. I had to call the Mt. Angel police to see if they could help unlock it and an officer came out. He asked me what I'd been doing and I told him I had taken photos to prove unequal and discriminatory application of law, after I'd been cited for doing the very same thing the Catholic church in town did. I had also taken photos of some of the yardsale signs on the telephone poles because this still occured, but no one else was cited.

When I told Dan the citations were never filed, he said that proved they were trying to intimidate me and that they knew they'd be in trouble and they're charges were false.

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