Thursday, May 8, 2008

TTSOML #56: Going To Church With Dan Gatti & Gatti's Son

I don't even remember the name of Gatti's son. Mike? Mikey? I just remember he called him "Pal" like he called everyone "pal".

Gatti was extremely charming. I had heard rumors about Gatti's prowess and I didn't doubt it for a moment. Even when I met him, he had to be in his late 50s and he was still attractive. He was Italian and had Italian charm, at least that's what I thought it was. I saw a photo of him when he was first admitted to the bar, and he looked a little bit silly, with his head barely sticking out of his suit collar. But by the time I'd met him, he'd weathered many storms and women, and he knew what he was doing. He was enigmatic, emotional, and a romantic, in the general sense of the word. He wore good suits and had his office done with the best materials. When I first met him, I had worn a conservative sports jacket with jeans and had my hair in a ponytail with hoop or stud earrings. I "fit" the look of his office.

It was a little strange though, because he asked me to meet him at the office and then was taking us all in his car, to the church, from there. His son was waiting with him at the office. His son was NOT thrilled to see me, and either didn't appreciate what his Dad was doing, or was disappointed by me. I had the impression his Dad was more attracted to me than he was. So we went to church in Dan's, I believe, jaguar, and I think the interior was white but I could be wrong. Dan told me HE had been Catholic and that his son was baptised Catholic but that his son became a "born again christian" and then "led me to the Lord". I guess it had been somewhat recent for Dan. Dan also showed me a book he'd written, a fictional novel based on his life, and he gave me a copy with his short message and signature (which I still have).

Dan drove to the church. It was a non-denominational type of christian church. I don't remember the sermon, but Dan was all about networking and speaking to the pastor after church, especially after the pastor dropped a bomb about how a youth pastor or church employee had been let go because of "indiscretions". Dan was excited to hear this and first in line to shake the pastors hand.

His son didn't seem enthused about anything, but Dan said his son was in charge of the sound for the music and very involved in the church.

Afterwards, we all went to breakfast in Salem. I think Dan KNEW someone else was going to be there, because he stood outside forever, with me and his son, and told us to just wait awhile. So we stood there, next to the windows, and talked and I wondered what was going on and why we were standing out there. All of a sudden, this man BUSTS out of the doors, glares very deliberately at Dan, and storms off to his luxury sportscar (which I remember as being yellow). Dan laughed about it and seemed to enjoy it and then said to me, in an aside, how he had dated this guy's girlfriend or wife and had never forgiven him for it. After that, we went in. Dan ordered a small breakfast of mainly toast. I think I had an omelette, and his son had toast and eggs. His son was so rude to me the entire time. Dan got up from the table and said he wanted to talk to someone and then his son snubbed me and called one of the waitresses aside to talk to HER. She was homely, but had a large bust. Dan had told me, right after announcing his son was a virgin, his son was also going to come into an inheritance of 30 million or something. I don't know why he told me this. I know I said something to Dan about how I'd been involved with music at my church and he told me about his son doing sound and thought I was "a good girl" worthy of his son's affections. Which is always a compliment coming from a parent. But the son wasn't interested, from first glance.

So I ate breakfast while his son talked to the waitress the whole time and Dan was who-knows-where. When Dan came back, we left, and went back to his office. At his office, Dan left me and his son alone together. His son ignored me and went online, on Dan's computer. I couldn't believe how rude he was, because I'd done nothing wrong, and wasn't obnoxious or trying to get his attention, but it was awkward. I ended up staring at jelly beans, and, I think, reading some magazines until Dan got back.

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