Wednesday, May 14, 2008

TTSOML #59: Graphic Design of "Truth"

At the front or back of the collection of folders I gave to Gatti, which contained emails between monks, I had decided to include a photocopy of a design I created in my graphic design class.

We had to choose one word, and one symbol and draw it out by hand, to be incorporated together. I chose an arrowhead and the word "Truth". At the time, my car was vandalized on a constant basis, and I'd already received citations for things I hadn't done, and been told I was being slandered.

I was crying so much and so often, I didn't think I could stay in college. I went to the college disability office because I had 15 migraine headaches in one month and thought I was going to have to drop out. It was after I had 15 migraines in a month, that I went to a doctor for full diagnosis of migraine. I figured I was having more than usual because of the incredible stress and distress. I went through shock, and then after no one came forward to correct what was being done to me and said about me, I became very depressed for the first time in my life. I kept "hoping" someone who "loved God" (and I thought they did, and cared about spiritual things) would do the right thing. I was so certain of it turning around. But I was naive, and that was my first step at becoming "street smart" which is why I say "I became street smart after dealing with the monks". It's no lie. The whole thing wasn't what I thought it was cracked up to be and I was greatly disappointed. I still am, to this day, but I've accepted how it is.

But I was determined not to quit. I decided to arrange my schedule in a way that would be therapeutic and still allow me to collect credits towards my degree. So I signed up for oil painting, creative writing, graphic design, and lap swim types of classes. I was able to work through my stress in a creative way and still stay in college, which was, given the tremendous thing that were being done to me, amazing and something I'm proud of. I received "A"s and a "B" or two and was admitted to a competitive graphic design program. I couldn't decide if I wanted to major in English, Graphic Design, or Sociology. I adored my sociology professor and the things we studied (people!). I've never had a psychology class, but lots of sociology, which is more interesting, I think. I decided on English Lit. because it encompassed reading and writing which were natural to me, and being traditional, could lead to graduate degrees in other fields (teaching creative writing or law, I thought). I now have more confidence in my abilities and skill of self-direction and would design my own degree for one of those "Independent" majors you create for yourself.

At any rate, I channeled my anger into a graphic art design for "truth" that I still like, which still holds up, and which makes everyone who has seen it, stop and say nothing, and then ask why I didn't go into graphic design. In one of the designs, the arrowhead is clear, with the word in bold below, and in another aspect of the design, a different cut I created, the wings of the back part of the arrow (the wing (?)) part is cropped in a way which makes it look like a butterfly arising from the word "truth". This is my favorite one, but most people like the arrowhead one. I'll probably scan this design into this blog, after I'm finished writing the TTSOML posts. It will end with my design for "truth" and then I'll be done with this.

I have to go back to the TTSOML #58 and finish writing what happened when Dan Gatti met Dick Whittemore about me. It was pretty much all downhill and worse thereon, and continued to involve strange incidents. I'm tired now though, and it's been a long day so I'll write tomorrow.

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