Friday, May 2, 2008

Woman Without Discretion: Why I Blog About Almost Everything

"A woman without discretion is like a gold ring in a pig's snout."
"Don't cast your pearls before swine, lest they turn on you and trample them underfoot."

There's something to be said about refusing to discuss one's personal life, as it can distract from making a broader point, or focus, especially in politics. There is also truth to the fact that once discovered, over-exposure will eliminate the mystery and leave nothing to the imagination.

But that's for people who never change, or those whose careers depend upon intrigue and a "professional" appearance.

I don't write about uncomfortable things in my life, or the personal, because I cannot resist giving a good peep show or walking around stark naked. It's more difficult for me to overcome all of the proverbs of my youth, and to risk being miscategorized or "known" than to keep my thoughts and life to myself. I push past this, with one thing in mind: I am not a one-hit number, and a static individual, but am a constant work in progress, willing to record the process, defy definition, and believing and allowing myself to evolve and change.

Madonna is praised for her ability to "reinvent" herself and keep herself "fresh" with so much exposure, and yet I would argue that a lot of this is not an act, or strategy, but due to her willingness to not limit herself and her personal growth.

I suppose I choose to reject traditional proverbs, maxims, and conventional wisdom in order to break new ground. I'm willing to be exposed if it helps someone else not to feel alone, and I don't want to be limited.

This doesn't mean I'll write about every minutae of my life forever. And if I decide to quit, this doesn't mean I've quit changing, but only quit recording publicly.

For all of my willingness to reveal my thoughts and life publicly, my favorite time to go for a walk or run is at night, when I am less likely to be seen.

I would rather be a voice than a figure. At least, for now.

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