Monday, June 16, 2008

Cessation of Periods

I had an extremely almost non-existant "period" again. Completely abnormal for me, and lasting less than 2 days total, and very, very, light.

My periods were normal and regular with 5 days or more of regular cycle, until whatever the environmental causes of the severe pain began. That's when they quit altogether, and then would come back when I had relief from the pain.

After the pain and bizarre symptoms went away, out of that area, I have continued to have extremely abnormal cycle, but without any of the pain issues and fainting or blacking out or all the things which were going on then. It's more than a little odd, especially because I had a full "work up" on my horomone levels before the issues began, and everything was normal. So something biologically was obviously affected and is still not right. At this point, I would say it's almost safe to say this looks like perimenopause, which wasn't indicated by my higher hormone levels before it began. It's also unheard of in my family at an early age, because the women continue with regular and normal periods, on both sides of the family, until they hit their 50s.

Obviously, something is wrong, and it's not "stress" because I've had just as high of levels of stress before, without it affecting my body like this. Missing one cycle is normal, but not what's been going on for over a half a year. That is NOT normal.

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