Sunday, June 8, 2008

Considering Oil Refineries In Blaine, Washington

I'm probably going to get in trouble for writing this, but it's no secret.

A lot of people around here, who have worked for, or worked around, the oil refineries, have had cancer.

I know one who had a brain cancer and after $175,000 in bills, is "free", and that person knows 12 other workers PERSONALLY who have also gotten cancer.

Then, there is someone else I know who has precursor markings for pancreatic cancer, though it's not in a cancer phase or stage yet. He's only worked for a refinery for a few years.

I looked up pancreatic cancer and there is an extremely high correllation between PCBs and oil exposure and this kind of cancer. Also, for brain cancers, melanomas, and other things. I just talked to another guy who came into my work, who thought he had a blister on his face, and it turned out to be a major cancer.

Everyone talks about the dust that settles around town, from the refineries, and I sort of wonder how close to a refinery one needs to be to have their health affected? I really don't know what the studies are. But a lot of people around here have cancer.

I'd sort of like to do a poll. I know they have really good health insurance at the refineries. I mean, pretty much as soon as you start up, and it's Blue Cross/Blue Shield I think.

The refinery is sort of the only major player in the area. "The only game in town" they like to say. I was thinking about applying for work there, and have had several people offer to help me get in. I'm not totally sure it's a good idea though and I'd have to do more research first. I know one over here has an impressive safety record, regarding explosions, but I don't know about health risks. If it were just me, no big deal. But when you have a child, you want to live a little longer.

I had all these people encourage me to work at the refinery. So I went online and typed in the name. The first thing that came up was a bunch of photos of huge oil refinery explosions. "Oh that's just greeeeaaat," I thought. Boom. One blow and we'll be rid of her forever. Are these people "for" me? or against me? Hmmmmm....helping? or helping dig my grave? ;) It seems so interesting though. I haven't heard anyone complain about either the work OR the money. It's an intriguing field anyway.

I actually applied for work there through a contractor and I want to see if perhaps I could accept the offer a month or two down the road after getting more instant cash at my current job (pays a little more). I did the UA and they said they'd call if it wasn't clean, and of course no one has called. I don't use any drugs. I would like to work for a refinery directly and learn about the business, personally. I think it would be fascinating in a lot of ways. But just very recently, I had someone else, who is removed from the industry, weigh in and he thought it might not be worth the potential health risks. "Petroleum" is, I guess, very, very, hazardous and known to cause health problems.

Wouldn't it be nice if cars just ran on water instead of gas? Maybe everyone should have a solar-powered windmill in their backyard and a car that plugs in to charge up.

I've heard some really funny stories about some of the people who get into the oil refinery around here, and how it goes to their heads. I can't write about it yet though, because everyone would know who it is. It's not bad stuff, just funny, and kind of cute, in it's own way.

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