Sunday, June 1, 2008

Ethical Violations of Wenatchee PD, Ms. Jeanne Wellbaum

I just found out, a few minutes ago, that my PD who replaced Paul Cassel, Jeanne Wellbaum, had a very serious conflict of interest and took my case anyway, I believe, to benefit her firm and their own clients.

After I fired Cassel, I was reappointed an attorney and it was Jeanne Wellbaum. We had only 2 weeks until my next hearing, which is an important one, and the first thing she did, was tell me I wouldn't be able to get ahold of her for the entire first week, which left only one week for us to be in touch prior to the hearing. No lawyer can take a case with that little time to prepare.

I decided to fire her, based on a bad feeling I was getting, and the fact that I knew she should not have taken my case to begin with, if she'd known she was going to be unavailable. She couldn't represent me zealously and she would have known this.

So I fired her, and she shot off a letter to me, telling me rudely that she was going to be my lawyer whether I liked it or not, and she lied, claiming she had never said she was unavailable for the first week, but only for a 3 day weekend. I thought her response very strange, and called her on it, and repeated she was fired. I told her to send my case file to a mailing address I gave her. I asked her to do this a week ago. I didn't hear anything back from her, and she told me she wasn't fired until papers were signed.

Just yesterday, Ms. Wellbaum finally writes back to me, AFTER she obtained MY MEDICAL records from my clinics over here. She told me to have my medical records regarding my childbirth injuries and new evaluations, sent to her. Ms. Wellbaum told me yesterday, or the day before, that she "suddenly" discovered a "possible" conflict of interest and said she was processing my case file and would mail it when she could. Wellbaum let an entire week elapse, refusing to mail my file, and she only confirmed she was released from representing me, a day ago.

I demanded to know what this conflict of interest was, and why she was suddenly bringing it to my attention, at the last minute, after she'd obtained all my medical records, and delaying. She refused to tell me. So I looked her up. She works for Davis Arneil law firm, which is the same firm that brought legal action against me, on behalf of the SAME HOSPITAL that caused damages to me and my son. Davis Arneil has had more than 2 of their lawyers represent the hospital and another clinic my OBGYN worked at, which I quit when I realized they were also trying to cover up for my and my son's damages.

Davis Arneil is not a large firm. And Wenatchee is very small. I am very well-known within the legal community, because of the major players I've had problems with and there is NO WAY Ms. Wellbaum didn't know of this when she took my case. She obtained confidential medical information from my case, which directly benefits her firm and her firms' clients. Her clients were also the ones who called CPS about me to begin with, after I clearly told them I was suing them for medical malpractice.

I wondered, from the very beginning, why Ms. Wellbaum was treating my case the way she was, and seriously questioned her responses and the negligence as well, and now I KNOW.

NOT only that, my medical physicians over here have been acting differently towards me, ever since I had to give out their names and information to my PDs and AG. I am going to write about this in my next post.

I told Ms. Wellbaum I am contacting the ACLU and the Bar about this. SHE KNEW, and she wasn't the only one who knew either.

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