Monday, June 16, 2008

Hitman's Buddy Apologizes

The hitman's compadre apologized to me from his bike a few days ago. I should have made note of this earlier.

I am referring to the shooting of my butt event.

A couple of days ago I was walking back to my house on one side of the street and I hear, "Hey!". I turn to look and it's the coworker who was in the car when I was shot. I quit my job there partly because they were going to hire him back. So he's smiling and waving at me on his bike like no big deal, and I looked up at him and did a light wave and said, "Hey." I probably did not smile, but I wasn't rude. I was only very alert but appearing calm and relaxed on the outside. So I'm watching him and he's riding his bike slowly, weaving as he's looking over at me, and he apologized. He said his friend was hitting a bunch of people in town that day and I just happened to be one of many potential targets.

Yeah, whatever. It just so happens that MY BUTT GETS SHOT UP after I write and then delete a big long blog post about how I want to learn how to shoot a gun.

This is the tenor of my life. I try not to look behind me everytime I hear an approaching vehicle and I'm thinking about buying one of those falsies butt pads for padding (just kidding).

Crazier things have happened. At the karaoke bar the other night a senior official for Border Patrol encouraged me to apply for border officer work. She and I see eachother a lot and have the same sense of humor when watching karaoke singers. I really like her and her husband. So she wrote out some address for applying online. I don't know that I'm a cop type though. But she also said there are jobs in Seattle where you help immigrants and internationals apply for green cards, which I would have experience with (sort of line-of-work with ENNL experience). It would be so bizarre if I ended up as a border patrol person after being kicked over the border. I still have to write about that night! I can't believe I haven't done it yet, because it was crazy. I'm actually wondering now...if maybe I DID already write about it?

Oh well, I don't want to go back and check, so I guess I'll just write the short sum of events in my next post.

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