Friday, June 6, 2008

Pen Pals And Fans

I can count at least 4 sugardaddies who want to be pen pals with me now. PEN PALS! I am not kidding. I'm not writing anything sexy either. Just funny rambling stuff. I mean, flirtaceous sometimes, but nothing more. I had another one contact me a couple days ago, for "correspondence".

I never would have gone there for myself, but only for my son, and have looked at it from a purely business perspective. I forced myself to adapt. But what has come out of it is that I'm sort of making a couple of decent friends, who just want to get to know me.

I got rid of most of them, because most want escorts. Some sounded dishonest or "iffy". I only kept the ones who seemed interesting, who were gentlemen, and who were funny and smart. Personality, even with SDs, is the biggest factor. So some decided they couldn't afford me or didn't want the same things, and that eliminated a couple of others and then a couple have come back to say they'd like to continue writing.

--Which is either a way to ingratiate themselves into my life without having to pay a dime, or is actually a genuine interest in me as a person. I choose to believe the latter, for now.

I saw "Casino" last night and made notes on how-to-be-a-hustler Sharon Stone style. Well, not the prostitution part, but the rest of it. She had a decent thing going and she ruined it with drugs and liquor.

On a tangent, actually, I saw 2 mob movies last night: "Goodfellas" and "Casino" and they scared the s+++ out of me. I especially had to keep my eyes shut through several scenes in Casino, relying on the sound effects as cues for when it was safe to open my eyes. The headclamp vise thing was not even cool. By the way, it's even scarier to watch when you're suddenly living in Little Italy and your roommate wears a pinky ring. Everything in the apartment is Italian. Almost everything. I keep telling myself, "Well, he's only HALF Italian, so he CAN'T be a made man..."

Of course, that's just my imagination running wild and I allow this on occasion. When someone recently took me on-site to a big oil refinery around here, I said, "Wow. Quite the compound...Do you ever like to imagine you're in the middle of Saudi Arabia when you're working out here?"
The answer was... "No."
"Oh," I said, "I would, just because it would keep it exciting."

If I could just charge people to have me write to them, and add some spice to their lives, that would be win-win. Pay-A-Pen-Pal. Hmmm...Nope...How about...

Illicit and Hot Pen Pals. Nope. Something about "pal" doesn't sound sexy. And I'm not even writing sexy stuff either.
Sexy Writing Partners.
Sexy Writing Partners Who Write Non-Sexy Material. (too long)
Hot Confidante. (hmm. now that's a possibility)
Hot Amateur Commedienne Writers Instead of Shrinks. HACWIS.
Get Your Kicks (no touching, no viewing, no hearing, just reading non-sexual material!!! Yaaaay for writers everywhere!)
Leave Everything To The Imagination
Leave Your Arrangement For A Long-Distance Correspondence (no webcams or sexy banter allowed)
Sugarbaby Pen Pal For Bored Sugardaddy ($1,000/hour writing--IMs or emails)

Wow. I wonder if someone who reads my blog is secretly in love with me but is having trouble admitting it to themself (much less the idea of admitting it to the rest of the world)...My blog posts are not that personal though. I suppose I could have secret admirers--men and women alike, romantic and non-romantic. I like to think, haha, that one man in particular is...shall we say..."struggling"...

Winner takes all.

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