Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Question About Radiation Exposure

I had a comment to my post entitled: Copy of Email to Experts for Radiation Exposure; someone asked whether I'd been tested for radiation exposure. I made my answer and posted that in the comment section.

Why would I go so far as to try everything I knew of, including asking for donations to a legal fund, or trying out the sugardaddy thing? because I know what happened, and I know it will take money to prove it, which I don't have.

I would already have my son back if I had been able to test in the beginning as results would have come back by now.

It's still not too late to test and prove what I'm saying is true. But it's not going to happen while I'm "defended" by Wenatchee Public Defenders, who, like the rest, don't listen. Any private attorney I've talked to says it must be done, but these guys don't care, and they're not going to use public money to allow this testing to be done, and they haven't even taken the time to sit down with me and get the whole scoop on what was going on at the time. They go off of what the AG says and their allegations, more than what I say.

There are places which would effectively test for this sort of thing. One is a military lab on the East Coast, and the other is a lab in France. Either one would be able to do sort of gold standard testing, and be able to test for my exposure, well into the future. Changes can be found in the eyes, blood (DNA and chromosome abnormalities or alterations), tissue samples, and teeth.

It can be proven, and at the levels I was exposed to, the kind of pain I was under, for so long, there is no way it wouldn't show up. I have confidence in myself and in my ability to know my body and know everything was real, just as the shot to my butt was real, and the evidence confirmed my claim.

What happened to me and my son has left marks, and at the very least, if the government is so interested in terrorist threats or attacks, or anything to do with radiation and things of that nature, I don't know why they wouldn't be interested in seeing whether what I have to say is true, regardless of the source, and then start thinking about who would do such a thing. If it was done to me, it has been done to others and is known to cause severe damages, and it will be done in the future as well.

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