Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Webcam FootageDetails in Basque (?), Other Errors

I've tried opening the webcam files again, at the computer site where it showed there are still files existing on the disc, but they won't come up. The media player says the problem is unidentified and won't give a description of the error.

When I look at the history of each webcam file, it's not in English. It's in Basque.
It says, for example: Modified: osteguna, 2007.eko abenduak 20, 02:28 Size 348 MB.

Another says, Date Modified: ostirala, 2007. eko abenduak 21, 10:03 Size 97,4 MB,

Another, Date Modified: asteazkena, 2007.eko abenduak 19, 11:34 222 MB.

What the hell is this supposed to mean?

I didn't modify anything in Basque, and I don't know why it would show up in this language. Also, now I can find proof of existing files, but they still refuse to open, and it's still reading errors.

Is this normal?

When I try to play Media Player, it says "unknown error" and won't give details, even when I try to troubleshoot.

I went to another business to try this on one more computer, and on their system, my disc comes up, once again, as "blank" with no further info.

The only computer system to show there are, or were files, on this disc, is at World TrendWest, a resort in town. They have Windows XP Professional and use Dell computers. But while it shows there are/were files, they can't be opened, and this wasn't happening before. I also think it's strange that when I click on details for the webcam files, the information comes up in Basque.

I didn't know what language it was, so I looked it up. It's Basque.

At any rate, I was able to easily access the webcam footage before, and now I can't, which I find strange.

I've been called "paranoid" before. But no matter how bizarre or crazy something "sounds", it is not paranoia, if the concern is over something that actually happened, strange or not.

My roommate said to me today that either I was the most unlucky person he's ever heard of in his life, or I was mentally ill. I told him if he thought I was mentally ill, there was no point in my describing to him what has happened, because his assumptions will interfere with his ability to listen effectively and understand.

I also know there is another option, and find it surprising any atheist would attribute such a string of problems to "luck" or "fate". He says either I'm unlucky, or I cause or imagine the problems. If my circumstances are so bizarre, and they have been, another possibility is that someone or some other group is causing these things. It doesn't have to be about ME, or about LUCK. Everything that has happened to me, is not stemming from some mysterious supernatural or act-of-God source. All the things that have happened, have often involved others who directly or indirectly handled certain events in my life, and affected the outcome. Even computer things that have happened, and the basic rewriting of my medical history...these things did not happen because of "bad luck". Other people have written the records, not me. And I never imagined anything regarding the computer problems I've had, and I've had witnesses before who saw the same thing happening.

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