Friday, July 25, 2008

How I Got To D.C.

I have to say something about the NIH campus. National Institute of Health or something...Anyway, it's very cool. Probably one of my favorite places. It's huge and a lot of interesting and smart people are milling about, doing research or participating as guinea pigs.

There are so many clinical trials happening over here you could practically part yourself out and become a walking guinea ghost.

I'll bet there are people here like in the movie "Fight Club", where Edward Norton's character just goes to a bunch of self-help clubs and groups for fun. You could ride the experiment-on-me circuit here.

I have one thing to say. Keep an eye on your drink if you're going out with one of these federally funded scientists. ;)

Anyway, people are friendly here. I've had people offer all kinds of things without my asking. I suppose I could land in a foreign country with no resources and be okay, after seeing how I handle Canada, Blaine, and the East Coast. I think I've discovered a talent. It must be that I have a nice face? OR I have angels in disguise helping me and knowing ahead of time where I will be or finding me. I haven't asked for anything, but anything I've received I want to pay back, and one day I will. I know I would be the type to house people who are "passing through" sometime in the future. Like an underground railroad or something.

I've received housing, food, entertainment, and Metro bus tickets, from a variety of people, for nothing. Just friendly people. And directions to free wi-fi places and other helpful tips. I've been given access to very high security sites besides. One guy tried to give me his bike, but I refused to take it because he needed it more than me. My principles are that it's okay to receive if it won't hurt the other person's finances.

Anyway, I had only a couple of hundred dollars on me, a month ago, when I left. I knew why I was leaving, but I didn't know how everything would work out. I just had to have faith, and be smart, and make the right high-risk investments, with the information I had at hand and my limited resources. I didn't know anyone out here--at all. But now I do.

The Christmas song playing now is "If You Just Believe" by Josh Groban. Now they're playing "Drummer Boy". Merry Christmas to me in D.C.!

I don't have a sugar daddy and haven't done anything strange to sustain myself. I guess I've just tried to be me, and have faith. I did have more of a plan of where I would stay, but it fell through, and then on the same evening I was offered something else, randomly.

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