Monday, July 28, 2008

Motive (?): Things I Reported Prior To Electromagnetic/Radiation Exposure

I've been thinking about anyone and everyone I could have angered or made mad prior to what began to happen with me and my son. I've already listed the possibility of some fringe Catholic group (just an extremist group), or the FBI or someone within law enforcement after I reported the FBI employees in Oregon. There were a few others though.

The car vandalisms were so bad, and I had officers in Wenatchee tell me to move away from the area. No one else in my neighborhood had the constant vandalisms that I did.

I reported Judge Warren to Wes with the Wenatchee FBI for unethical judicial practices (refusing to file kites and telling his clerks not to file anything, for one).

When I had to look for new housing for me and my son, I went to a Russian restaurant in town, owned by a couple who had emigrated here. I met with them right after the thing with Alexander Litvinenko happened in England, where he was poisoned and died, withering away in a hospital and blaming the Russian government. I brought it up to the man, just for conversation, and I said it was scary and this man looked at me hard and said, "He should have kept his mouth SHUT" and then went on to defend the killing of this journalist. I thought perhaps it was just "talk" but the sincerity he had scared me. He told me he had relatives and brothers that would "take care of people" who got in the way. So I actually called or emailed (I don't remember which) the CIA and made a report. I said I didn't know much about them but that I was concerned about why they were in the states with such opinions which could just be random, or NOT. This couple had a disabled son whom they introduced me to after I had bragged about how smart my son was. Their son was totally autistic or mentally retarded and was a grown man. Very sweet, but I could tell they didn't like me after I had been bragging about how smart my son was and how he was hitting his milestones so in advance. I told them I thought he was sort of a genuis because of the things he'd been doing and I had confirmed his abilities were unusual with other parents of exceptionally gifted children online, and through reading about milestones. I documented all my sons milestones. So here I'd been bragging, and made a misstep of offending by bringing up Boris. I can't rmeember the guys last name but I'll look it up. (it wasn't Boris, Alexander Litvinenko)At any rate, after I reported to the CIA, shortly after this, the stuff began to happen to me and my son. And then after it was already going on, I saw the Russian guy's wife following me to the library in E.Wenatchee one day and she just observed me and smirked smugly. I had a really bad feeling about it. That was the only time I ran into her. But she just stared and stared, and smirked, and looked over at my son. I told Christa Schneider about what had happened, I remember, or about my conversation with them. I also told her about contacting the Protestant Irish militias. She asked me for all the details about this and shortly after, was asking where my son and I slept, near a window and which one in the house, etc. Also asked me how I least wanted to die and I said death didn't frighten me, but torture did.

I also contacted the Protestant version of "militia" from Ireland, just the Orange order and a few others, Ulster something or other, asking what I should do given my constant car vandalisms and problems which began after I first reported the higher ranking officials at the RCC Abbey. I wasn't joining a militia or giving them support in any way, but I knew my son and I needed protection and felt we were in danger and no one was listening to me. They were telling me to "move" but to where? I'd already moved and I was easily found and the same stuff was happening there. So I don't know, if someone thought I was a Protestant militia or something, would they go after my son and I? The thing is, I tend to think the militias, Protestant or Catholic, don't go after civilians unless they're heaviliy involved in stuff. And I wasn't and am not. I questioned all the propoganda and efforts to smear me by certain members in the Catholic church, and I knew some group had been doing the car vandalisms since I reported...I also had my house broken into and, for example, in Oregon, only my MEDICAL RECORDS were stolen ??? What kind of robber only takes medical records? I had a huge stack and told a couple friends about it and how I was going to get a P.I. lawyer for the hit-and-run which damaged my knee, and then use some of the money to get a lawyer to sue the Mt. Angel Abbey for civil rights violations.

Also, I told my friends, RIGHT before I "met" these FBI employees at the federal courthouse in Portland, Oregon, that my goal was to finish well in college (I was improving upon my GPA, which was then at 3.6), apply to a top-tier law school, get my license, and then apply to the FBI through the lawyer referral program. My objective was to fight corporate crime from the inside, with government money, because I was told, by lawyers, that it's extremely difficult to be a civil rights attorney without being independently wealthy. I wasn't independently wealthy. So if money was needed to fight for people's rights, I thought it would be good to have government backing. Only problem is, I told my friends, some who were not friends I later discovered, that one of the things I wanted to do, was try to reverse church standing as privileged organizations to the same rules and regulations which apply to regular business corporations. I also wanted to hold clergy accountable under RICO, from any church religion (Protestant, Catholic, Mormon, Jewish, Muslim, Etc) for child abuse and other things. I felt it had been wrong not to treat these crimes as crimes, and organizaed crimes by the very fact there was clear obstruction of justice, fraud, and manipulation of others, across state lines and even country boundaries. There was already a team of attorneys making this argument, headed under a Mr. Anderson, who was actually even naming the Vatican, but it was more of a longshot. On this count, though, I wasn't just wanting to go aftr the RCC, but ANY and EVERY church which tried to escape accountability by hiding under their religious privileges and excuses. I also wanted to go after Enrons and white collar corporate crime, because of the vast damage it does to countless private citizens and the common good. White collar crime isn't prosecuted in the same way petty theives are, and white collar criminals fight back, with money and power and often win their own cases. I want life to be fair. For everyone. It's not, but I wanted to make a difference and try.

These are the things which were going on, besides state problems, immediately prior to what happened to me and my son. I don't know exactly who did it, but it happened. And more than one group or person could have had motive and means.

Believe me.

I had also been bragging about my son and all his accomplishments, through tons of email, to Christa Schneider, and I told her over the phone that I thought my son was going to grow up with a strong will like me, and that he was so smart, and loved me so much, when he was older and found out what had been done to me, through the harassment, criminal use of police by church, and defamation (newspaper article), that he would defend me and people would know, as my own son lived with me, there was nothing wrong with me. I said I thought my son might follow in my footsteps and be an activist, but that I didn't care what he did as long as he was happy. By that time, I knew things weren't adding up with my friendship with this woman who kept pressuring me to send her my "book" about what happened with the RCC and how she'd edit it for me, and how after I spoke with her about my FBI interest, I was meeting FBI who were also Catholic and then got into my house and assaulted me. So, I was laying it on thick, sending email after email about what my son was doing now, and how bright he was. I bragged about him and nothing else, and did it intentionally, to annoy. The thing is, with Schneider, I would give info to her and then something would happen when she was the only one I told. For example, I told her I was filing an important motion at the bankruptcy court (Archdiocese bankruptcy) and what time I was going (bc she'd ask) and then when I got there, there was a service guy for the Catholic church lawyers, WAITING for me, and then slapping me with a motion, saying "you're served" before I could file, to prevent me from getting my thing filed first. How did HE know I was going to be there? I only told her. Things were happening like this all the time. Another thing, when I met the FBI guy I first met, it was at a federal courthouse I'd told Schneider I was planning to walk over to, if I lost a hearing at the state district courthouse (which was across the street). I told her if I lost, I was walking straight over to the federal courthouse and going up the elevator to file. The FBI guy came in after me, not before. He came in after me, but moved ahead of me so that he was BEFORE me in line. After he got through security first, he waited to see which direction I was going and went the same way and then he followed me up to the floor where I was headed.

I met the FBI guys after I dated (very briefly) Mike Tancer, a guy I'd met whose family has a winery in CA (Ironhorse is the name). I'd told Mike about my interest in the FBI and he asked me if I was FBI. I told him no, but I wanted to work as a lawyer for the FBI. I was telling Schneider the same thing, but told her my objectives, and didn't tell Mike this. It was shortly after dating Mike Tancer that I met the FBI guys.

I had an FBI business card, from Raul Bujanda, the agent I met in the federal courthouse. Bujanda wrote 3 numbers on the back of his card: cell, business, and home. He asked me to call him and to go out. I said okay, and didn't know he was married. I found out about that later, after I'd reported him to the FBI for what he and his "boss", Armando Garza did (which I haven't written about yet). I had that business card on my windowsill in my kitchen. I didn't move it or take it anywhere. After I reported him to the FBI, it disappeared one day later. I couldn't tell anyone had been in my house at all. It was absolutely undisturbed, except the business card was gone. Not that the waitresses couldn't have confirmed where we had all been the night before. I was out with them, and they were really FBI, but the business card disappeared. Only the FBI or someone working on behalf of Bujanda and Garza would have motive to do this.

I was doing this at the same time I met the Russian couple, contacted CIA, and wrote Irish militia.

I made someone mad.

And what happened, HAPPENED. This post is absolutely true, as much as my TTSOML posts.

I swear the above statement is true and is made to the best of my belief and knowledge, and is subject to penalty for perjury in a court of law, and may be used as evidence.

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