Monday, July 28, 2008

Offer For Private Attorney

I was thinking, I've actually guessed 2 passwords in my life (tried and was correct first try). The other one was in Canada. There was a hint on that one though, but it was random too and I just happened to recall someone saying a name once--and I remembered.

Well, I hope my good luck is true, but someone came forward, to be an annonymous donor to pay for a private attorney for my case. Retainer, and all other costs to conclusion. I was sort of shocked.

A private attorney. For me and my son, and a good one too. Costs of travel for me covered too, and tests and diagnostics.

A full-on, serious offer. Finally.

I'll write more of the TTSOML and then I have to be finished, fairly soon.

I may be able to have a chance against the state now, and those who've done harm.

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