Saturday, July 19, 2008

TTSOML #55: I Refuse To Go On Television

Dan said he wanted to take my MVA (Motor Vehicle Accident), which, now that I think of it, MAY have occured right before I met him, but I didn't tell him about it until later, because I was focused on the clergy abuse and slander.

After Greg Smith and Dan Gatti said they wanted me to make a statement to the media, on the news, I had agreed, reluctantly. They gave me a time and a date for the event. I started to think about it though. Going to the media would make me a public figure and I wasn't interested in that. Also, I really did have a case, and if I went to the media and said I wasn't going to file for damages, was that really what I felt was best for me? I had been given citations, by the state, or state employees who made a POINT of telling me, as they cited me, that they were "Catholic" and I "offended" their church. I had never been so shocked in my life to see this happen. It was the first time in my life I ever had a panic attack. It was incredible.

I did not believe this sort of thing happened in the United States of America, and especially NOT in modern-day U.S.A. I had heard of separation of church and state, and this was a church using the STATE as their own personal police and defamation force. I felt this shouldn't go unchecked, and I DID have documented damages from what those monks had done, which I never had previously.

I told Dan and Greg I had decided against going to the media. They didn't like this. They began to distance themselves and I thought Dan wasn't going to finish getting my citations dismissed, until I told him about the photo evidence I had and the laws I'd researched which would make the Abbey and the Mt. Angel police look bad. Suddenly, it got dismissed. And I DID find out I was NOT the only one this had happened to, and that the Abbey and this church had used these sorts of tactics before, contrary to what they told others. I found that much out from a City of Mt. Angel employee who told me what kinds of things the Abbey had filed before, and against which persons. And I got the police records of who had pressed charges to police and could see through the heavy permanent black ink marker that was over the names. I held it up to the light and saw the name responsible for both citations: Lynn Morris, Human Resource person for Mt. Angel Abbey.

Both citations, one of which had nothing to do with the Abbey but the supposed violation of putting up posters on telephone poles in the public town of Mt. Angel, had come about through a religious organization which obviously was taking charge of the police in the area. And Lynn Morris typically would receive direction and instruction from the Abbot of the Abbey, who was Nathan Zodrow, former resident (with long-time family and friends ties there) of Waterville, Washington, the same county where the CPS complaint regarding my son is now filed.

Waterville is a half hour away from Wenatchee, Washington. It is the seat for the Douglas County Courthouse, which partners with Chelan County. The entire area is called: Douglas-Chelan County and it encompasses Wenatchee, Chelan, East Wenatchee, and Waterville. The predominant religion in the area, the largest single denomination, is Roman Catholicism.

When I moved to Washington from Oregon, I told people where I was going, and people knew ahead of time that I was moving to Wenatchee. Almost every problem I had in Oregon, which began with the Abbey, followed me to Wenatchee. Including the car vandalisms, which I finally obtained sworn statements from neighbors about, to prove I wasn't making these things up.

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