Friday, July 25, 2008

TTSOML #58: Hit-and-Run

At the same time I was trying to find a new lawyer, I was trying to get help for my knee which was injured in the hit-and-run auto collision. The other car had hit my car after running a red light and had rammed into the passenger side and corner of the hood part of my car. I'd been making a legal left turn and witnesses verified I was in the right. The driver was laughing and looking in my window at me as he backed up, and then sped off, across a parking lot. He probably never would have been caught, had his LICENSE plate not fallen off upon impact, left behind for the police.

This guy thought he was in the clear, and he took off so fast, no one got a plate number. They just saw it fall off.

My car was pushed and came to a stop upon impact. I tried to turn out of the way, but he was going too fast. On impact, my left knee hit the dash underneath and I had severe whiplash. I was wearing a seatbelt. It was a very bad impact and my door was stuck all the way on the other side, because of the impact. My car was later declared totaled. I tried to drive it later and when it was examined, it was determined to be totaled.

I didn't want to get out of the car, but someone came over and tried to get me out. So I limped out. When the ambulance came, I debated whether or not to go to ER. My knee was popping weirdly and hurt, but I was still in shock. I said no, I'd go home and change my mind if needed, later.

I called my friend Christa Schneider and told her what had happened. I also called my insurance company. After about a half hour or hour, I began having an extremely painful burning sensation in my pubic bone region. It wasn't the whole pelvis, just the bone, and tingling that went down my left thigh, on the same leg where my left knee was popping and beginning to hurt more. It got so bad, I asked my roommate to take my to the hospital. I told Christa I was going to go to St. Vincents. So we went. When I got there, I told them what happened. No one would take an X-ray of my pelvis. She examined me, and said I could go home. It was my pubic bone that hurt more than my knee at the time. I thought maybe my knee would "pop back in" or something. I didn't know.

Everything got worse. My knee started giving out underneath me. I would be walking, and BAM, down. It was true "giving way". I told my friend about it and that I was going to another hospital to have it X-rayed. Which is when the doctor took 3 views but only showed me 2 of those 3 views. I didn't even know he'd taken 3 views until I later obtained the records, because he didn't say anything--he just put 2 views up on the screen and pointed to them and said nothing was there.

A week to month later, I was at the same place, insisting I wasn't okay. It hurt all the time. I was by then in college at Portland State University.

I really need my timeline out. Because there is so much, and dates are needed to show exactly what was happening when. Because sometimes many things were happening at once.

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