Thursday, August 28, 2008

Another Request To Washington State For Discovery

Immediate Discovery Request‏
From: c
Sent: Thu 8/28/08 9:52 AM
To:; Michelle K. (DSHS/CA) Erickson (;;;;

For Marie Scanlon, Michelle Erickson, Judge Hotchkiss:

I am asking that ALL discovery I've not received or signed for, be resent and mailed to me at the last address I provided, which you have on record, at University Pl NW, in Washington D.C.

I need the full and complete record of all records which were never signed for, which you claim you sent to the Gemini address in Blaine, Washington, and all medical records and any and all discovery following this residence.

I do not have anything, and I need full copies to be sent ASAP for filing appeal.

I have already given you notice of appeal and this is for the record, that I have requested discovery I never received and which I need for making appeal.

Additionally, I need all internal CPS and other "department" and AG notes which would or should have been mailed to me which I've not signed for or recieved. If I've not signed for it, I have not received it.

My request includes again asking for an audio copy of the hearing for Contested Sheltercare and Preliminary Fact Finding, which I wasn't present for, and a copy of the audio for the last hearing. If you are going to continue to say I have to pay for copies, please include the price in your response.

Please file this for the record.

Cameo Garrett

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