Friday, August 29, 2008

Fat Therapy For Erickson #2

I've decided not to waste more of my time giving Michelle Erickson anymore fat therapy sessions. There are people who can help her better than I can, and her issues are not going to be solved with further psychoanalysis by me or even by passing on more tips.

Basically, I have only listed ONE of the ridiculous things she said, in her awful "testimony" on behalf of the "department". The reason the Wenatchee AG tried to object to my cross-examination, and to cut it short, was because I was tearing her apart on the stand. She had nothing to stand on except hearsay. As for her own qualifications, they stank, and the more she spoke, the worse off she sounded.

No normal Judge would have taken her seriously, and I was not even allowed the chance to complete my cross-exam when it was clear I had further questions, nor was I allowed to call any of the others people present, to the stand.

My own testimony was also cut short by the Judge. It wasn't a fair and full hearing.

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