Sunday, August 31, 2008

Further Dialogue With Shit-mail Commentor

Post a Comment On: Cameo Garrett
"More Shit-mail From Wenatchee CPS Supporter"
6 Comments - Show Original Post Collapse comments
Anonymous said...
Since when have I defended the "department"? You say I support CPS, when have I said anything about supporting CPS? Again, another assumption. I support well established daycares, and it bothered me that you lumped them into one group, which is the basis for my comment.

August 29, 2008 12:07 PM

Anonymous said...
Just for the record I have my master's in early childhood education and special education so I do actually know what I'm talking about.

August 29, 2008 12:09 PM

Anonymous said...
I don't post my name because of the way you have treated people who try to work with you as evidenced by your blog. You show yourself to be unstable and very unreasonable in how you turn on a dime to destroy anyone's credibility who doesn't agree with you. Don't worry, this will be my last post, I was just trying to find out more about why you were so upset about the daycare your aunt put your son into.

August 29, 2008 12:17 PM

Mama said...
My response to the first comment:

You defend the department when you mock me and take sides. You started out your entire commentary with "Hold the phone!" and then went on to mock what you tried to cast as inconsistencies in my statements. Then, later, you come back here and try to play victim.

It's fine to support well established daycares. However, you haven't done your research about daycares and what is good for children. Obviously, or you would have knowledge of all the studies which state even the BEST daycares do not compare to nanny or parent-child care, especially for the young, and most especially, for those young who have already been traumatized.

August 31, 2008 3:34 PM

Mama said...
My Response To Comment Two:

I'm actually glad you have mentioned your credentials or what you believe to be your qualifications. However, while a basic college education, even MASTERS should say something, so often it does NOT. You are studying whatever materials your professor puts in front of you, and may or may not be an independent thinker. I had a friend who went to a very good private college, and graduated with decent grades, who couldn't spell or construct a sentence to save her life.

Sometimes education or a degree only means you did the busywork and didn't split hairs with your professor. It is a sign of being able to complete something, so I definitely think it demonstrates diligence. But diligence is not the same thing as intelligence, and it is certaintly NOT the same thing as intellectual curiosity or a sign of the ability to think independently.

It sounds to me like you went to college and left your studies there. You didn't research things about daycares and children and toddlers, out of your own curiosity. You just did what you were told to do, got your degree, and started working, without thinking any further.

That's fine if you just want to be a regular old daycare worker or supporter. If you want to hold an intellectual debate, that's not enough. If you want to claim to know something about child development, and yet you don't even know these basic studies, it's an embarrassment, I would think, not only to your profession, but to the university where you got your degree. I don't even want to ask where that was. It certaintly wasn't an Ivy League education. At least I hope not, but even the Ivies have their failings.

If you want to be good at what you do, you need to be a reader. You need to come up with questions, and be willing to do the research and scour all articles and studies, with an objective mind, to uncover the truth. To acquire knowledge, one must become a social scientist.

I hope you will start reading some of these articles. Also, I encourage you to take a look at some of Scotland's ideas for children and welfare support to mothers of very young children, specifically, policies proposed by the Minister for Children's whatever. She based her ideas, which haven't passed yet, on the studies already done about young children and how they become "at risk" when they are placed into daycares. Which is why she advocates keeping the children with one parent until they are at least 3 years old.

I'm sure you know nothing about this either.

Funny, how I'm the mother whom the state claims does not know how to meet her son's needs. They do not know best.

Do I? Not only do I probably have a broader base of knowledge from which I've formed sound conclusions, I am absolutely the best caregiver for my son, and have known him personally longer than anyone else, and I am more hands on with him than anyone has been after me.

August 31, 2008 3:45 PM

Mama said...
Response To Comment Three:

I am fine with people not posting their names. It's nice, actually, and allows others more freedom. But when I get shit-mail from people like you, one would think you'd like to back yourself up with a name.

As for your assessment of my "showing myself to be unstable and very unreasonable.." because of the way I shot your TOTALLY FALSE theories down, you have a problem taking what you give. If you are going to criticize, learn to handle a smart counter-critique.

Finally, you were not "just trying to find out" why I was upset. If your intentions had been good, you would have asked a simple question, NOT started out by mocking me from the first with your "Hold the phone!" comments and claim I contradicted myself.

You made yourself sound like an ass, and now you're trying to make yourself sound like a victim.

I'm SUCH a bad, bad, woman. Such an obnoxious threat to Daycares Everywhere.

What are you? The Daycare Director of the State? I stand by the name I've assigned you. If you won't give yourself a name, I will. It's "Bitch".

August 31, 2008 3:50 PM

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