Friday, August 1, 2008

Migraine Prevention Progress

The last migraine I wrote about, I thought might just be a tension headache, as it was so mild and then went away. I have now confirmed it was my regular migraine, but in a much milder and altered form, of tension headache. I think it's because of residual marijuana use from the last time I had some (which had been weeks earlier, when I ate the rest of a joint).

I didn't have my normal migraine. It was basically prevented again. So I'll see if I get one after my period is over, but I might not, because I smoked a little last night to try to ensure I do NOT get a migraine. Last night I actually took more inhales than usual, probably because I was with someone else and social-smoking too. I quit at 4 inhales, and then had a couple more...

We'll see if I get my next migraine.

By the way, I didn't get the mj from anyone from the non-profit I work for. They're not dealers, they're lobbyists & educators.

1 comment:

  1. Hello there, I'm not sure if you have e-mail notification of comments or ever check back, (esp. this far) to see, but in the off-chance you do, I just wanted to point you to my blog as you might find it interesting, particularly b/c we share similarities in our search for an answer to migraine. the blog is:
