Sunday, August 24, 2008

Migraine Progress

I had my pre-period migraine over a week ago, and it was bad enough that I had to go home from work. I tried to find some marijuana and got a little bit late, which helped me sleep, but I still had to take OTCs. Still, no trip to ER. It's really amazing, although I should have used more marijuana prior to this last migraine, so I didn't have to miss work at all. I'm still figuring it out, how much I should take. I even turned down an offer to smoke right before I was going to have one.

Anyway, I'm not having a period AT ALL, this time I guess. Just absolutely nothing. Not even a short 2-day cycle. Nada. So I'm either pregnant, or in menopause already, or I'm really stressed out. I could definitely be really stressed out, with this hearing ahead and no lawyer to represent me at all. I miss my son and he needs to be with me here.

I actually "purchased" my first very tiny bag of weed, after I missed work last time and no one had a joint. I don't want to ever miss work on account of a migraine AGAIN! It's extremely small, about the size of a square of Caramello. It should last me several months. I had to buy papers for the first time too. Of course I'm not taking it to Wenatchee. It would be the one place they would try to search my hotel room just to try to nail me on something else.

I'm very open about this, because my needs are medical. It has PROVEN to work, and I'm not an addict and don't smoke for pleasure even. I am more than happy to talk with police, FBI, CIA, whoever gives a damn about marijuana, because I really think anyone who knows my history and who can see how all of a sudden, the last 6 months of my life I haven't needed ER and have missed less work, knows this is not a gimmick and that I'm not a law breaker.

Well, and like Zinn says, there is something to be said for civil disobedience for a good cause.

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