Friday, August 29, 2008

Music I'm Listening To

I really like this song by Colbie Callait, "Realize". I've written about it before, but it's so good. The recording is very well-done. Yesterday I kept listening to Indigo Girls version of "Romeo & Juliet" and then the Dire Straits version. Indigo Girls was so much better, more soul. This morning I listened to Sheryl Crow "First Cut Is The Deepest" and then found out Cat Stevens, of all things, did this song first. That version is very "baaayyyybeee" bouncy.

I don't know if I've written this before, but I'm realizing I have a small "thing" for British post-punk. I'll hear something and like it, and then look it up and find the genre listed as post-punk. However, not just post-punk, but I've found I must have an ear for the British stuff.

Last night, at the gay bar, they were playing a bunch of stuff like Heart, and Michael Jackson, and some glam rock (Europe--Final Countdown). Man, all the guys went crazy at the song Final Countdown. Fists in the air...

I don't know, I've decided to play it now on YouTube.

We were making commentary about the clothing and hair. My friend was saying, "Bangs?!" (on the men). All the music videos were from the early 90s or something, maybe late 80s, really fun. Some John Mellencamp, Stevie Nicks, that sort of thing.

I think I'm in a glam rock mood. I'm back to "Pour Some Sugar On Me". I think it's a glam rock day. Now, onto finishing up some of my TTSOML posts. I woke early this morning because I am so disturbed about what is happening with my son. I'm extremely worried about him.

I am, so far, powerless, and I'm the one who knows what is best for him. He needs me and I am powerless to help him. I have been MADE powerless and my wishes are disregarded.

I think I need to get some running shoes today, and a few things from H&M, and an Ipod for running with.

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