Saturday, August 23, 2008

My Plans For The Day

I just finished my first Diana, Princess of Wales book. I'd never read a book about her until now. I read "Diana: The True Story" by Andrew Morton. It was in the bookcase where I'm cat-sitting. I started it late last night and finished this morning. Sort of interesting. I think it's strange how everyone claims she "blossomed" into a beauty. These photos of her as a girl show her to be very pretty. I actually think she's prettiest without her make-up. Also, her handwriting is really interesting. I would say, from looking at it, that's she's actually highly intelligent and creative as well. At any rate...

The cat is next to me now and I've hairs flying in my nose and all over the keyboard (brushed off quickly).

I've been trying to get ahold of my former roomie, as my clothes are there and I've been wearing the same skirt and shirt for 2 days now. Actually, I think this will be Day 3. Yesterday I just focused on writing. I suppose I'll do it again today, if I can, because I have another day OFF. I haven't had my "formula" yet so I'll have to buy some stuff and then get going.

I could use a manicure and some razors too (back at my other place) but I guess I can rough it. I don't want to buy more because I just stocked up and don't know how I'll pay for a plane ticket yet, to Wenatchee.

The other reason I've no interest in staying in Wenatchee--CPS hasn't allowed me proper visitation of my son, even when I was only 4 hours away. I asked them for more than 4 hours a week and they refused, claiming it was "inconvenient" for them to schedule. Until I am guaranteed the right to fully visit my son there is not even a point to being there. Furthermore, as I've said before, there are no opportunities for work or anything else for me there. There are no colleges for me to complete my degree in English Lit., as I've only a few credits to go, and it's actually a bad place for me and my son to be. Too many bad things happened to both of us in the Pacific NW and I plan to take my son out of there, not return.

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