Thursday, August 28, 2008

My Risk Assessment For Michelle Erickson

My assessment of Erickson is that she is a small town girl with a lot of growing up to do. I would tag her as an ESFJ who, while not being very intuitive or discerning, is quite in touch with her feelings and what she can feel with her hands.

There is nothing more soothing to Michelle, than a big fat chocolate chip cookie, or a greasy burger.

Michelle was drawn to helping adolescents in rehab because of her fascination with addiction. Michelle has never been addicted to drugs. Michelle is addicted to food. She has sought to control her addiction with food, but struggles daily. She goes home after a long day, famished, scouring the refrigerator for food. Michelle enjoyed her position working with rehab teens because it allowed her to explore the psychology of addiction and allow her to help others, from a safe distance. She had empathy for addicts, because, even if she couldn't pick up on this herself, her own personality and issues created the same problems for her.

She understands what it's like to turn to a substance for comfort, for release.

Michelle doesn't think food addiction has any correlation to drug addiction, but she sees bingers everywhere.

The first thing Michelle notices about a person, is their eating habits, and she fails to recognize this is the result of her own obsession in counting calories or worrying about her weight and her own failed attempts to diet.

She notices skinny people, and what they eat, and fat people and what they eat, and she even thinks she has a keen understanding of the potential for eating disorders in infants and toddlers.

My assessment is that Michelle Erickson is at risk.

She is not only a risk to the department, with her superficial judgements and inability to perceive the truth, she is easily manipulated, which is probably why she then becomes stressed out, as a "yes"-woman, and turns to food.

Michelle is passive-aggressive, holding her cool in public and then ransacking the fridge at night.

Michelle has low self-esteem and is far too conscious of her body. Underlying her addiction to food are unresolved issues of inferiority and the inability to find a healthy way to express internal resentments and anger. Michelle longs for the attentions of men, and wears shirts that expose at least one part of her body where fat is attractive--her breasts.

Michelle is a very pretty woman, with a bubbly personality, who has body and identity issues which should be explored in therapy and jointly resolved through entrance into a Weight Watcher's program. Michelle has demonstrated a struggle with self-control, which likely extends outside of the kitchen and manifests in sexual promiscuity as well.

Big eaters--big lovers.

Michelle should continue her work with rehab teens, where she has years of experience, interest, and can actually bring something to the table by way of personal experience with the imbalances that underlie addiction in any form.

Eating, when not hungry, is a pleasurable thing. It releases endorphins. However, when someone is eating and it is not out of hunger, it is an emotional response to trauma.

Michelle, I think we can help you. I really want to see you on the right track, and in exchange for your excellent "assessments" of my son, I am going to return good for ummm....well, I'm going to give you something you can really sink your teeth into, something to really chew on.

I am going to give away some of my secrets on how to lose weight, even obsese pregnancy weight, and on how to stay thin. But you must be ready to dig deeper than the surface if you are to be successful, because your substance of choice has disillusioned you. You think food addiction is somehow different from drug addiction, and yet the mental issues underlying both are exactly the same. Which is why you were drawn to helping teens in rehab to begin with.

I think you have some potential. I am going to make you OVER girlfriend!

Risk assessment: you are in danger of being a further harm to yourself and others. Number one, obesity can kill you. Number two, you might kill someone else if you should happen to fall on them, or attempt the woman-on-top position. Furthermore, you could seriously injure someone just by stepping on their feet. If this addiction is not controlled soon, you will be a fat old woman with huge sagging breast and 5 cats. This will be damaging to your own self-image and with a sex drive like yours, you do not want to be limited to giving BJs. You also don't want to attract the type with fetishes for fat people, because they are also a danger to society, and will only encourage you in your addiction. You do not need someone who is co-dependent. You need a real man. A strong man, yes. Someone who will carry you over the threshold. You do not need to worry about breaking the threshhold, or his back, or chairs, or the Guiness World Record. You need to be set free.

I can help you Michelle. My first assignment for you is coming up next.

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