Wednesday, August 27, 2008

My Values And Religious Beliefs Trampled By CPS

The reason CPS and my own family didn't tell me about throwing my son into daycare is because they all KNOW this is the last thing I wanted for my son.

I told CPS, and my former social worker who now works for CPS (whom I reported), that I would do anything to keep my son out of daycare. My family knows this too.

I even told them I would go back to college and do it at night so my son could be with me during the daytime and would only have a sitter when he was asleep, so he wouldn't miss me.

Instead, CPS and my family ignore my wishes and deliberately do what they KNOW I do not want for my son, which is something I know my son cannot handle, especially after what he's been through.

They don't care because he's just another kid to them. He's not their son. He's just a disposable kid, and they'll say kids go to daycare all the time.

This is DIRECTLY opposed to MY VALUES. MY VALUES and parenting beliefs have been ignored. My values for my son amount to religious belief because I do not believe my son should ever be in a daycare. I have strong opinions about it and I also have religious beliefs and feelings. I want to raise my son according to MY spiritual beliefs and my values, and both CPS and my family know that I do not believe in daycare for my son.

What they have done is as bad as what the Texas CPS did to those FLDS mothers whose kids were taken away.

I believe God gave me a gift and that my responsibility is and has always been to be there for him, until he is old enough to gradually adjust and be transistioned into pre-school (PART TIME) and then kindergarten and then elementary school.

I was able to do this. I was taking nanny work to care for my own son in addition to the children of others.

I would either do THAT, or I would go to college and take classes at night and study at night and have my son during the day so he doesn't even miss me at night.

NO ONE CONSULTED ME because they knew I was AGAINST this and would OPPOSE it. No one even gave me a chance.

And because JUDGE HOTCHKISS hung up on me in the hearing which decided who has control over making decisions for my son, I have been denied justice and equal access to the law.

I was wrongfully denied my right to be my son's advocate.

Wenatchee chose their own course, and my family doesn't give a shit because they've all been insensitive bastards from the beginning whose values I have pushed off. I am NOTHING like my family and I strongly disagree with the way I was raised and the way the Bairds raise their kids.

Holly, by the way, didn't put her OWN kids into Full-time Daycare. But she is fine doing this with my son because she does not and CANNOT love him like her own.

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