Thursday, August 14, 2008

Policy Change: The Right To Jury In Dependency Proceedings

The other thing that comes to mind is the lack of right to trial by jury of peers. After what I've been through, it is clear that these state departments/employees and Judges think they can do whatever they like without censure and accountability. Any jury would side with me and be able to see through the b.s. and make a rational decision as to the facts.

Juries should be deciding dependency cases, not caseworkers and local judges. In matters of family as important as there, with allegations this serious, a jury should always be provided and I believe it would have been the intention of our forefathers to make this so. It's just that back then, they didn't have CPS and state interference unless there were actual crimes.

Because of the way these things get set up and how people are railroaded and given inadequate defense, juries should ALWAYS be the norm.

No judge should be made king.

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