Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Proof Of CPS Abuse Of My Son

I just got this. Not only did NO ONE consult me about what I thought about this, my son is being thrown into a daycare ALL DAY, from 8 in the morning until 5 at night.

This is going to be extremely confusing and traumatic for my son. This is wrong, and I, as the mother, was not given any consideration whatever as to how I felt my son would respond to this kind of treatment.

This is absolutely disgusting and an example of what damages CPS has done to my son, and what they have allowed. They refused to have my son transferred to be closer to me when I lived in Whatcom County, arguing my son shouldn't have to adjust to a new family. Now my son gets DUMPED into a daycare.

I was given NO NOTICE and my son was not prepared for this either.

As for my family, my own family gave me zero notice as well, and yet my own mother and my aunt obviously discussed this ahead of time. My family and CPS do not care about my son.

I told Thomas Caballero, in the beginning of these hearings, I wrote him an email and I told him at some point the Parable of Solomon was going to come into play. Who is the real mother? I wrote, you will find out for yourself. The real mother is the one who doesn't want the child to be torn in half.

What has happened to my son? Both CPS and my aunt have obviously agreed to throw my son into a daycare, ALL DAY, after he was used to attachment parenting by me, which was fundamental and key to his happiness and emotional well-being and development.

My aunt has demonstrated she is willing to have my son torn in half by throwing him into a daycare. CPS has demonstrated they are willing to have my son torn in half by first tearing him from his mother and then allowing him to be thrown into daycare when they REFUSED to have my son placed closer to his own mother, when they had a chance.

My son is being treated without the love of a mother. My son has no mother in Wenatchee. He is being treated like a disposable kid, who can be thrown around, and THIS, after everything he has already SUFFERED.

My son must be returned to me IMMEDIATELY. I don't care if Washington D.C. CPS wants to be involved, that is fine. What is in the best interest of my son is to be with his mother, who puts his needs before all else.

My son is in a fucking daycare, as an infant/toddler who is used to getting first-rate, hands on attention from an experienced former nanny and teacher's assistant.

This should disgust anyone. It is disgusting. Not only is my son not getting special attention that he needs, which Canada agreed he needed, he is getting shuffled into a bunch of kids at a daycare where he will sit in front of a T.V. all day and suck his thumb raw.


It is not emotionally healthy for my son to be treated this way and it would not be emotionally healthy for me to live in Wenatchee. My son must be transfered to live with me.

(No Subject)‏
Sent: Tue 8/26/08 2:57 PM

I will be returning to work tomorrow, Wed. the 27th of August, at the warehouse. My hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Oliver will be cared for at a daycare run by Estela's sister. Your phone visits with Oliver will have to be
done after 5 p.m. and before 9 p.m. our time. Your best chance would be 5 to 6 p.m., especially on Wednesdays as that is our mid-week service day. Friday we also have church, but we don't leave the house until 7:00 p.m. This is not hard and fast, as on occasion we may have to leave early to get something at a store, or have other errands to run or things to do. But for the most part, this would be our schedule for you to be aware of for making your phone visits. I do not anticipate having to work on the weekends.



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