Sunday, August 24, 2008

Secrets To My Fortune

I AM going to finish the TTSOML posts, but I'm stressed so I've diverged. I think I'm going to try my hand at automatic writing and then talk about some fortune stuff. I'm not going to reveal techniques or things, but I guess I want to write what has been said about me.

I'm listening to the Read My Mind song again. Tonight was fun. Or it's funny rather, I have these guys who are always checking out my rear end. I wore some new jeans and they said to turn around. I did, thinking there was something on me, and one said, "You're a black man's DREAM!" Then, tonight, I got some comments and I said I needed to lose weight. He said he'd never seen these jeans before, and noticed. He said I shouldn't lose weight. I said I needed to go running and then I'd look even better. I told him what he could do for me. I told the guys if they REALLY wanted to see something, they should buy me my Nikes. THEN they'd really have something to gawk over, after a month or two. So they were laughing, and I was trying to get my Nikes, and then I came back into and said, "Oh, I don't remember what I came in here for.." and one guy said, "To see me?" and I said, "Oh, yeah--attention" and walked right back out. I did it purposefully, so it was funny.

Oh, I guess I'll write about the fortune stuff and then try my automatic writing.

First, she said she could see many, many, people had been very jealous of me. She said I was talented and was meant for big things but there were too many jealous people causing problems for me. This was the main theme, over and over. She said I was going to find true love, but that he wasn't in Washington D.C. She said he wanted to be with me but he was "tied up". She said she could make the guy I liked at that time "calm down" with women (which he did, allegedly, by the way). She said I'd have one more baby and that I would get my son back (I didn't tell her anything except two wishes, and one I had to keep to myself and the other I had to say out loud, and I said I wanted my son with me).

Then, tonight, she said the one guy who "calmed down" wasn't the one, or right for me. She asked me what I wanted to do and I said finish school and probably go to law school. She said there was someone picking me up and taking me to work. There isn't. She said this was the one. She saw him taking me places or something. Then she said he was a lawyer. She said he already knew who I was and was in love with me and that this was the one.

The thing is, I don't know any lawyers out here. OR back West. I certaintly don't imagine any of them is in love with me. If you ARE, then make yourself KNOWN! I really can't even remember the last time I dated a lawyer. She said all the stuff about jealousy again. Too many people are jealous of you, she said. She said I needed to marry someone rich, not poor. I don't know about that. I just need to find someone who will tolerate me as well as I tolerate them.

Out spot!

Just had to say that last thing for fun.

Anyway, she said she was breaking my bad luck. I won't write about the secret stuff, but I thought the other stuff was interesting.

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