Friday, August 22, 2008

TTSOML #61: Archdiocese Lawyer Takes My Case

As it turned out, this attorney did work for the Portland Archdiocese. But he didn't tell me this.

In the meantime, my car was being vandalized and the tires slashed, still. I was also followed by vans and people in cars. It wasn't my imagination. It happened. For awhile, I had a car just parked outside of my apartment in Tualatin, day and night. This was at the beginning, when I first told Fr. Joachim I might go to the Abbot about the conduct of Br. Ansgar. This man would be sitting in a car, for hours, across from my apartment, every single night. I thought it was odd.

With this going on, I was still looking for a lawyer. So I happened upon this one, and when Christa asked how I found him, I told her the truth--through the yellow pages under "civil rights".

Right about this time, I had a huge stack of medical records from my hit-and-run. It had everything that proved my knee injury was new. It was a stack about a half a foot high. This is the same stack of medical records which disappeared from my house one day. I hadn't taken them out of the house, and there had been no sign of a break-in. These were the records which I planned to use to prove I deserved the $50,000 available through my uninsured motorists liability. Which I was planning to use to fund my civil rights case for Section 1983 and other personal injury, against the Mt. Angel Abbey.

I remember everything about my first meeting with my next lawyer. It was a little bit dark inside, and cramped. Just a large desk and a large bookcase and he had a small miniature dog.

Now that I think of it, I met him AFTER I was slandered by the Catholic reporter (who told me she was Catholic after she defamed me) to the second largest newspaper in Oregon, The Willamette Week.

I forgot, momentarily, that this defamation occured before I filed my own lawsuit, and before I met this Archdiocese lawyer. After I was defamed by the Willamette Week, this made finding a lawyer more difficult because it tangled things up and I found lawyers were trying to go by the timeline which was purposefully skewed in this article, rather than by my actual timeline, which I gave them.

So, first I cancelled Gatti and Smith as my lawyers. Then I filed Bar complaints against them. I had my knee issue after this, in trying to get medical care, and THEN, before I even filed my civil rights lawsuits (for Section 1983, P.I. and defamation), I had an article written about me.

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