Friday, August 29, 2008

United States Laws Which Allow Clergy To Conceal Crime Against Children

How sick is this?

I have my child taken from me, based on assumption and false opinion of "risk" of harm, without any evidence, and without any professional evaluation.

On the other hand, clergy, and churches, in several states in the United States, get to keep abuse and neglect and sexual crimes against children, a secret, and they are not held accountable.

Is there really separation of church and state in the U.S.? How is this harming our children? We have laws which are allowing adults to keep knowledge of crimes against children, a SECRET.

Why? because some people think perhaps an offender will not "confess" if they think it will be reported? and so therefore, they may be in "danger" of losing their soul because THEY cannot be absolved of their "sin"?

We are putting a religious theory and idea, of "salvation" above the bodily and civil rights of children. TODAY. STILL, after all of these lawsuits have been filed. How many more children will then be abused and unable to speak up for themselves until they are adults and have already suffered and others have suffered?

Not only should CLERGY not be exempt from laws protecting children, but clergy should not be allowed to protect others either.

This is clearly an example of religious influence in America that is wrong and must be corrected. This is an aggregious imbalance of power, and the churches have been given "safe haven" too long.

I mean, children and minors, especially, rely on the help of adults and protections of adults, to keep them safe. It's one thing if an adult chooses not to report their own abuse, and a clergy person also doesn't say anything. It's another thing entirely to keep crime against children a secret. It's wrong, and in my opinion, from a policy standpoint, any adult who does have knowledge of such crimes and doesn't report, should go to jail themselves.

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