Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Update On Life In D.C.

This is the first chance I've had to write in weeks it seems. I've been listening to "I'm Slim Shady" over and over. I think I've done a little more drinking in this town, more than anywhere else. I don't mean I'm a lush, and everyone is suprised by how little it takes for me to be visibly buzzed, but I don't recommend moving to this town without a therapist in place, or a good hook up on liquor. It's stressful...you work hard to live well in this town, and stay here, and be where you want to be, or go where you hope to go.

I haven't been out dancing since the El Salvadoran bar but one of my coworkers wants to take me out to a salsa or bachata place...she's great.

I've met some really interesting people and international people as well, but I'm not going to write about any of it here on this blog. I meet a few of them where I work, and my work relationships are confidential. There are quite a few people who I know have good connections but I don't feel it's good form/manners or even something I'd want to do, to use a friendly exchange as leverage to then ask them to do favors which may work in my personal interests. I can ask in writing, but I can't use my "professional" contacts...it would feel tacky. Someone will tell me what they do, and I think about how they could help me, and of the answers they might have, but I never bring it up. I just talk about general things and leave my own life out of it. Which is good actually, because some of these people over here get used for their connections on a constant basis. It's always what someone can do for someone elsse (well, not always). There are some really good people here. I definitely think I've found a niche and want my son to be here with me.

I have a lot in common with the sort of people who end up here...some common interests, dreams, and we're coming from all over, even random states where we didn't fit in. Well, I should speak for myself. I'm happy to be here, and I just want to know how I can get my son back and still live here at the same time. It is my and my son's best interests to be here rather than where we've been before.

Also, I am in the public eye almost everyday, which is good, because people see me on a daily basis, and it's consistent, and clear there is nothing "wrong" with me. Before, the only reason people got away with making hysterical claims about their fears or suspicions of my mental state, was because I was at home disabled with my son. I was still out with my son, but not working in the public eye everyday, where people could vouch for me, and I didn't have roommates. I've had roommates ever since my son was taken from me, and no one has thought there was anything "wrong" with me, other than the crap I've been through which wasn't my doing.

The politics in places like Wenatchee are so whacked, I cannot hardly fathom what has happened, happened. I live over here in a civilized town, and the contrast is so bizarre I feel I've escaped a nasty nightmare. I'm not saying it's always safe here, and that there are not shady dealings, but the kind of dramatized hysteria that Wenatchee conjures up for itself, is truly odd.

I'm living in a good and safe part of downtown D.C. now and trying to figure out how to make it work so my son can move over here to live with me.

The entire case in Wenatchee is a load of b.s. and now that I've been even farther removed and have some perspective, and have been surrounded by a more normal environment, I wonder more and more at it all. I feel my son has been basically kidnapped from me and held hostage by a bunch of lunatic idiots.

What I like about D.C. is that many people are drawn by international interests and politics. There are many non-profits in the area as well. I found out there is a good law school nearby as well and several people have been pointing me in this direction, or making helpful suggestions. There's a lot of information here.

I got my weed hook-up too, for my very rare medicinal use, and I didn't even get my last migraine which was due. I didn't get a post-period migraine at ALL. I had a light pre-period migraine, but it was fine with OTCs, and didn't even get my usual second round. I'm also not having my period at all. It's completely tapered off to almost nothing. I had one or two days last time, again, and it was extremely light. It's absolutely abnormal.

So, basically, I think anyone who knows me, outside of the pacific nw crap, can talk to me and see I'm in my right mind and a good person of quality character, who likes others, gets along well, and is happy and laughs a lot. I hope the right people notice and begin to believe me, that what I've been through has been political b.s. and that I need some help to break through the control shit and get my son back without being penalized and labled with some kind of problem I don't have.

I want my son back. And I want him here, in D.C. He should be immediately returned to me, without delay. What happened was wrong and my judgment was never impaired. What I have said happened to us, really happened, and we still have symptoms of this being true.

I don't know how it happened, and who did it, but it happened, and I do not want me and my son to be penalized by the cruelty and harassment of others any longer.

I don't have a lawyer, and I don't have a way to get back to WA for the next hearing. I don't have enough money to even go back at this point, and I should not have a case decided in my absence, when I've been refused reasonable public defense. I know what reasonable is, and people over here would believe that I am capable of knowing what is reasonable as well.

I want my son back, no strings attached. It will only get worse for people in the pacific nw if this doesn't happen. I have not given up on my intentions for finding attorneys to file lawsuits with, and at some point, someone over here may offer assistance, if they feel so inclined.

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