Sunday, September 28, 2008

Another Catholic Fanatic

I had someone try to oust me out a living situation again. I'm quite sure I know who it was too. And he just so happens to be Catholic. I suspected it was him, because he acted so weird after I moved in and then he was trying to hit on me and basically jump my bones, coming into the room at night once, when my roommate wasn't there (awhile ago) and I had to say, flatly: "I'm NOT interested."

Well, I figured it was him and I guess there was some big problem all of a sudden. Then, he opens the door to my room, the other night, in the middle of the frickin' night, and my roommate was in the bed with me and suddenly, the next day, everything is fine.

Then I hear someone outside my door, in the kitchen, saying something about how is he going to spend the night here with me? I don't know, maybe the guy is freaking out that he's not "safe" or something unless I have a chaperone, or that I'll be reporting HIS ASS next.

As long as he keeps his ass out of proximity when I'm trying to sleep, he will be just fine.

But like I said, if it's not one thing it's another. How ironic that I'm not the one freaking out about how he is opening the door on me, and whatever. If anyone has a right to be concerned...but like I said, it's always someone like HIM who gets totally fucked up about shit and makes huge drama over things, which only feeds my concern about agendas and motives to begin with.

I don't start shit. But I sure have to take a lot of it, it seems, or I'm expected to. Anyway, the guy came in and then left, so it appears he's sleeping elsewhere.

Obviously, another one who reads my blog. Sign up for the newsletter asshole. I'm going to start charging access to my blog. I think I seriously need to find a way to do that

And you know what? don't get me wrong...I work with Catholics and we know eachother, and one of them wears this huge medallion of Maria, which I complimented sincerely the other day. I don't have problems with the normals. There are a lot of normal Catholic people. Whom I like. But there are also the weirdos, and weirdos plus government job is just a stretch for me.

Give me the normal, hard working sincere Catholic people who just want to live and let live, and we're fine. I would go to bat for anyone wearing a Maria medallion. Or Mary medallion or whatever. I would fight my ass off, if I were a lawyer, for their rights. For economic equality and opportunity. It's really a narrower, weirder, group I'm concerned about. Every religion has them, I KNOW. And I KNOW the Protestants have them. So I'm not disputing that. But the ones who seem to absolutely HATE me, seem to come from Catholic sects.

This guy, who wanted to have me kicked out, I complimented his obviously Catholic tattoos and stuff. He said what he was, and that was cool with me. He came in, tonight, wearing an "Italia" shirt. Who knows. Maybe the Vatican sent him. If not the FBI or CIA. But I was cool with him until he freaked out over me. And that's how it goes.

Could I fairly preside over a trial involving a priest? or clergy? I sort of think I could, because I met this priest at the bar and didn't judge him. However, even if I think I could keep negative emotions out, for the sake of objectivity, I would be too emotional. I would probably think about the wrongs that happened to me, and if anything, feel sad and cry, and maybe give too MUCH leeway to the Catholic party, just out of an attempt to be fair. If it's regular laypeople, they're good to me, in general, the ones who aren't weird fanatics. But people in government positions or clerical positions who are Catholic, these are the ones I've seen abuse their power and try to exert it over me and to influence others.

That's how I draw my line.

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