Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Being Careful With Information

I have my own problems to worry about, but it has crossed my mind that the next time I research something or try to solve a problem, I need to document things better. I also need to have some things copied and stored in secure places, and although some things you don't want to share with too many people, it's sometimes dangerous to be the only one holding important information.

So I know I have to be careful.

A couple of very good looking guys with longer dark brown hair, pulled into ponytails, came through the cafe today. Very good looking men, which made me wonder if I want a Middle Eastern or Italian mobster to protect me?


One thing I know about Dartmouth, is that they are a primary institute where the dosimetry for radiation is done, but I don't know if they do anything with electromagnetic dosimetry. It would be nice to think that guy last night was just trying to get me over so he could pull out a hair from my head or something. As if that could measure things.

But actually, it made me think about Mossad, since he was the one to bring it up. He also brought up a little about the CIA, but only after I did.

I kept my secrets about the "Other Country" guy from the priest, and I kept the secrets about the priest from the Cato man. Both times, after I'd had several drinks. It may be a good thing to practice. That holding my tongue.

I was even "baked" as the Cato man said, on top of it all. I'd smoked about 4 inhales of marijuana to prevent my next migraine, right before I met him. He was stunned I dared to do it in public, but I did. I am discreet around police, because what am I going to do, blow it in their face? no, I respect the police and their authority too much. But it should be more accepted in the public, and, as I told Cato man, "I'm the new fresh face of marijuana."

I'm working for StoptheWaronDrugs so, I said, "I have to walk the walk." So, he said, "You're going to lay out a line of cocaine on this table too? Do they make you agree to do drugs to work for them?" and I laughed. Of course not.

Anyway, he said he's not really Jewish. How can someone be a "half Jew" though, I ask. I mean, you're either a Jew or not, right? That's what I always thought. But then I guess, going by Israel standards, you can count either side, all the way back to grandparents or something. So I guess it's sort of both. I'm still confused, a little.

I met this guy right after I met an Israeli woman who had just stepped off the plane. He brought up Mossad, not me. Which means nothing, but it makes me think a little. I wonder what Mossad is really about?

I just want everyonen to know, ahem, that I am fully pro "international people". I don't want to get bumped off by Irish Catholics, or IRA, or Russians, or Germans, or Mossad, or UK intel, or CIA, or Muslim jihadists. I'm not taking sides with anyone or any group, and my "religious" background is pretty much non-practicing now. I was raised non-denominational christian, so that is very liberal and broad. I'm not from some particular sect or branch and I've no ties to any one group.

I think, hope, I have friends from all groups. I do not have a religious or political agenda of any kind. Well, except for equality for all, which is something we all want. I want the poor to be lifted up as well, and who would fight against this? I want to know what happened with me and my son and need that information to clear my own name from being a lunatic who imagined things. I don't care about punishing anyone for it, and if someone would even come forward, to me or someone else, with information, in an annonymous way, that would be okay. I just need to be cleared, for the sake of my son. I also do care about what happened to Diana, so that may mean my inquiry or ideas make me (and anyone else who questions or gets close to the truth) subject, but I really want to know for her own sake. Even though she's not physically here.

I really can't believe what's happened with me and my son, but I hope someone decides to come forward on our behalf, and I would beg and plead for full pardon if someone did. I would ask whomever to receive witness protection and a number of other things. If what's happened to me has involved government, I need to know. Someone needs to tell me, somehow. Believe me, I wouldn't blab it. There are some things I've kept secrt forever.

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