Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Computer Destruction and Records of Son's Giftedness

Before what happened with my son, happened, I was looking into schools for the exceptionally gifted. Some are free, for example, one in Nevada is, that takes children who demonstrate highly advanced skills for their age.

I also regularly visited and posted (annonymously) comments on a website/blog kept by Valentine Cawley from the UK. Cawley writes about his 3 gifted children and comes from a gifted background himself. He is of Irish descent and lived in the UK until moving to his wife's country, in Malaysia. He and I had several email exchanges on my computer, the same computer which was fried, literally, and destroyed when someone kept trying to hack on it.

One day, this computer began to burn and it made a loud whirring noise and ink spattered from the hard drive onto the back of the case which surrounded the box.

I had all of my email correspondence with Christa Schneider and others on this computer, which is the primary computer I used from 1997-2007. There were no bugs or problems with the computer, as all I used it for was word processing. I got online through dial up, which I'd heard was slower but more secure. It was also a desktop.

One odd thing was that this guy named Greg, who worked for a computer company in the town of Wenatchee, wanted to get access to my computer and after he did, after trying to befriend me a long time, just disappeared and never returned my calls. He downloaded everything from my computer onto a computer he owned, in his house. I have sort of wondered if he worked for the police in Wenatchee, and I had just moved to the area, after the FBI report of misconduct and still in the middle of litigation with the Catholic church.

Greg tried very hard to be my friend and yet after he got access to my computer, that was it. I thought it was odd. I kept records of what my son was doing and started researching giftedness because I realized he was much farther along than even gifted range children. He was, from what I could tell by my reading and research and comparisons, fitting into at least the "exceptionally gifted" range. I kept records of it on my computer, and sent emails to Schneider for every little thing, and to my mother as well.

I remember, right before things began to happen, I sent an email to Cawley about IRA or what he thought about the Irish conflict, since he's Irish, and I had told Schneider, over the phone, how smart my son was and how he would defend me even if no one else would, because he would live with me and be a witness to what kind of person I was. This was when I was still being actively defamed by the Catholic church, and then the hospital in town, which was run in part by the Catholic church. I told her I had finally written to some organizations within the Orange order, online, to find out if they could provide any kind of protection or support if we should need it, because I was tired of the constant car vandalisms (which were still happening) and break ins and general harassment. I told her I thought it might be better to just stick to a Protestant group that understood how things "can get" with misunderstandings. It was my belief certain people within the Catholic church had slandered me and used information (defamatory articles) and police against me to try to convince members of their church who might be radical, to harm me and my son and to convince them we were some kind of enemy. So, after this, and finding out a strong Knights of Columbus connection with many of the individuals who were doing some of these things, I began to look into the Orange order and Ulster groups, etc.

My intentions were not and never were hate-based. In any way. I wasn't the only one who felt my son and I were in danger, and I even reached out to my own intelligence agencies and to Britain, for help. Because things were only getting worse. I sent an email to Britain.

Then, everything I predicted would happen, happened.

Nothing has changed and no one has come to our assistance.

I can't even get Wenatchee, as a town, and their CPS workers, to act like normal people. They have operated like an arm of the mob, in a town which is predominantly Catholic or has its most influence from these members. The head of the department there is Catholic. I still have to unravel all the ties in my TTSOML. I haven't even touched the tip of the iceberg yet. Why is it, that Wenatchee couldn't give me a reasonable public defender? that they couldn't transfer the case to Whatcom country? that they interferred with the visitation of my son? that they refused to accept my offer to go to a rehab place simply for evaluation to prove I had no drug or alchohol problem, BEFORE they took my son? that they refused to give me ANY and ALL discovery prior to the trial? that they managed to get around HIPPA laws to procure medical records from Wenatchee which defamed me and were confabulated? but didn't have ANY of the positive records, which proved what I was saying was true? why were they "missing" or "couldn't remember" about some of the my medical record which proved my side of things? that I and my son had injuries and proof of it? why is it they couldn't manage to get even a LETTER to me, all these months, at my request, or any discovery, but SUDDENLY, as of TODAY, there is a big box of something waiting for me, from Wenatchee CPS, after the deadline for filing an appeal is expired? why is it that they finally manage to get documents to me when they know they are "safe"?

Does this NOT sound like mob activity? These people are a bunch of mobsters and losers who cannot take responsibility for their own actions, and who choose to abuse and bully a mother and her son, because of their personal shortcomings and the satisfaction they get from a "lift" out of their own insecurity.

They refuse to accept what has happened to my son, and then in the same breath, claim I DID "something" to him that caused his permanent speech problems, which are still evident. They claim there was "nothing wrong" with him and that I was wrong to take him to the hospital, saying there WAS, and then they turn around and say there IS something wrong with him and blame ME.

They have tried far too hard, to shift the blame.

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