Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Department Of Justice Instructions To Portland, Oregon FBI

I need to find a soundroom. Just a basic piano-voice practice room. Sometimes roommates are gone, but I cannot really get any real practice in. Even if I'm not working out something new, it's good for the soul to be able to sing.

I slept almost all day yesterday and through the night as well. I don't think I've slept this much since...? I don't know when. I'm not depressed. I've cried a few times over my son, and teared up, but I'm not depressed. I'm just exhausted. I think I've caught up finally, though.

Listening to "The Little Things" again. The sky is this bright dark blue, the way it is just before dawn. I don't know what time it is, because my computer clock is off. I probably need to get a watch.

I think, if I can manage to get the energy and drive together, I'm going to find a lawyer to see if someone is interested in filing a civil rights case regarding what CPS has done in Wenatchee. I want to find out, if it's filed in federal court here, if that's a proper jurisdiction. Sometimes only one party has to be in the area where it's filed and other times, it's both.

I seriously question why I never received my mail. If it's not the fault of CPS, and I believe it is, in large part, because they never even tried to mail me some things, and I had to request over and over...anyway, if it's not the fault of CPS, it seems to me the only party having anything to do with mail would be the federal government.

The same federal government that has employees who assaulted me, who told Portland police not to "investigate" or charge these guys with crime, because, they told Sgt. Austria (who told me), they were taking charge.

They told me the FBI had consulted the Department of Justice, and that the DOJ told the FBI to take care of it themselves. That's what Portland FBI was saying.

If this involves such high levels, my son and I are better off leaving the country when we have a chance. I just need to know where to go and who to turn to.

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