Thursday, September 18, 2008

Devil or Angel

For some reason, the song "Devil or Angel" by The Clovers just came to mind. So I'm listening to it now.

I definitely want to make a movie with Quentin Tarantino.

The next song that came to mind was "Good Golly Miss Molly" and I played the Little Richard version. I guess I'm just writing this all out for my son someday. I don't know why else I'd write about the music I'm listening to. Have to take music break inbetween TTSOMLs. Oh, and I've had 2 hot toddys, which was great for taking the edge off my anxiety so I could write, but does make me a more liberal writer. Pardon my liberties!

Now I'm listening to "Earth Angel" by the Penguins.

Ahhh. Then AC/DCs "Back in Black". Haven't listened to this forever. I'm back! Yes, I'm back!

Haha, just followed that up with "Hell's Bells". Hahaaaa. I used to think this was devil worship music when I was a teenager. I'm listening to it now and smiling, reading the lyrics. So camp.

Okay, I'll start writing my TTSOMLs after "You Shook Me All Night Long"...

I guess I'm not done yet.

"Martyrs and Thieves" by Jennifer Knapp.

Let your light shine bright in my life, in my life...

great line is in the first verse: in the absence of martyrs there's the presence of theives-- the link is:

There's a place in the darkness that I used to cling to
That presses harsh hope against time.
In the absence of martyrs there's a presence of thieves
Who only want to rob you blind.
They steal away any sense of peace.
Tho' I'm a king I'm a king on my knees.
And I know they are wrong when they say I am strong
As the darkness covers me.

So turn on the light and reveal all the glory.
I am not afraid.
To bear all my weakness, knowing in meekness,
I have a kingdom to gain.
Where there is peace and love in the light
In the light , I am not afraid
To let your light shine bright in my life, in my life

There are ghosts from my past who've owned more of my soul
Than I thought I had given away.
They linger in closets and under my bed
And in pictures less proudly displayed.
A great fool in my life I have been
Have squandered 'til pallid and thin.
Hung my head in shame and refused to take blame
For the darkness I know I've let win.

So turn on the light and reveal all the glory.
I am not afraid
To bear all my weakness, knowing in meekness,
I have a kingdom to gain.
Where there is peace and love in the light
In the light , I am not afraid
To let your light shine bright in my life, in my life

Can you hear me?
Can you hear me? (5x)

I've never been much for the bearing of soul
In the presence of any man.
I'd rather keep to myself all safe and secure
In the arms of a sinner I am.
Could it be that my worth should defend
By the crimson stained grace on a hand?
And like a lamp on a hill Lord I pray in your will
To reveal all of you that I can.

So turn on the light and reveal all the glory.
I am not afraid.
To bear all my weakness, knowing in meekness,
I have a kingdom to gain.
Where there is peace and love in the light
In the light , I am not afraid
To let your light shine bright in my life, in my life

There's a place in the darkness that I used to cling to
That presses harsh hope against time.

I also like "Hold Me Now" by Jennifer Knapp

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